The Kansas City Times from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)

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The Kansas City Timesi

Kansas City, Missouri

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1-6 The Kansas City Times Thursday April 1 1982 For the record High school rasults CoHagsi 7 EMPORIA 8 i I Boxing rasults STATE 2 No 1 stoglas Doug Alan defcsr Greg Kossovsr 71 32 No 1 dottolas AdorvOava Johnson Bakor Kossovsr Dob Vtoln 0 3 32 TEAM: I SL OMinoM In yirdi 80 A I Btohop Aqukrm 36 4A6 A Aqui A at Cleveland Ion) 10 ash mg ATLANTA (HQ TON A I ADELPHIA It l6RMtom ormorr TA A Mil I (10): Aprt A WASHINGTON 7 PHHADELPHIA A Be NAj 10 at Nsw York: 14 1ABOBTON) t7MOsaol A BOSTON! A WASH-7 at Daaoi A PHA-' 1A Otoyatond 17 NEW is cuvlkJuto! 1AAT- OEV Apr! WABHINt 1APH A Tunar LONG JUMP: Franoto SL Mary 13d: HIGH JUMP: Green Turn 31 POLE VAULT: Her rag SL 106 DISCUS: Truss Twnsr 120 11 JAVELIN: Mlw Magad Aquinas 144-4 SHOT PUT: Gartoe Aquinas 430 120 HIGH HURDLES: Bpotow Hogan 2-MILE RE LAY: (L Marys 014 100: Hama Hogan MILE: Gusman Hagan 4:402 440 RELAY: Gusman Hagen nru NBAscorsboard Pet OS FNMdalphtalA SEY-1 A Ctoveiend MMMA (11): tNwaukaa 7 11 Nsw Jaraay: LANTA 11 at Atlanta 10 RC NSW YORK (11): Aprt A el Adams: 1 BOSTON: 11 al Cl Dsaet li NEW JERSEY 16 CHK al kAhveukae 1A el Soslan CMCAOO ill): Aprt A MLWAUKEE A al Soslan: 1 PHILADELPHIA 7 Clevelflnd I WABHMOTON It Alan If IA Now York! Kr LPHIA 7 Cleveland A 1 at Atanto li BOSTON IA CLEVELAND IA MOh Exhibition HnsscorsB CXP06 ARAN9BBBS Tease 661 680-6 6 1 aat tix-i a 2 Hough Com 7L Mdatwds M) and Bund-berg Bento Lee (7) James () six) Can BtoSwad (7) Butto Hotli ORKXBd AWHTT1 dOX 1 Bahks sis 101 (SI 001-4 0 a 111 did 100 6 6 6 0toet Btanhoiae 0L Btoddard TO Ones (7) and Dempsey Raytoid (0)i Lamp Pel toroon ML Bars) (7) AgoMo (0L Htwt (a) snd Ftok HBQ) I4inai Bom BSigNton RoenMts DGOQSn A NBD BOX 7 Beaton 1 Ml 0-7 11 Loa Angstse lit 000 Ml 1-1 IT I Rainey Stanley (0) MscWhortor (10) and Gedman Hooton Velerauela (I) NtodoMu (10) and Btdoeola Ntodardu MaoMSxm- HBMTMSTSl Ctnokmed 000 000 OOI-T 10 I New York Oil 000 000-1 0 0 Hama Hums (L Kam (0) end Trevino done Putoo (OL Nton () Leetdi () end Hodges See (() Harrto Faloone PMLUB0AT1MM1 Oetroh ill 100 000 1 0 0 Oil MO 0 10 0 WNoox Sow (T) end Panto! Fahey (7) Chrtotorrem Monga (TL BruaM () and Otoe vry (7) Chratoraon Wdodx MR: De teA Johnson CAMMIALS A SLUS JAYS 0 BLLouto 111 (00 1(0-4 10 1 Toronto OOO 110 Rt-I 0 1 (7L Ranuton (0) and Bork-Garvin (0) and noon BhStoy (7L Raamuaa Bomhaox Murrey (() CAUTORNIA ANGELS: Curl Brown Slavs Brown Brian Buoldsy Risky Stoker Mie WaAars INF Uto Btohop and INF Stove I unrated sent to Sisk minor toagus oamp lor reqaatonmsnL CLEVELAND INDIANS: Ed I Bsararo and IB K1 Pig osaiertod to Ion ol me keomatton League TEXAS RANGERS: OMB Al Oliver kaded to the Monte Expos lor Lany Pentoh end IB Devs Hosteler NEW YORK METS: Brant Gad optioned to Tidewater I tie imamedon League Tom Dbnn Stove Rslxsr and Bruos Boohy re turned to Tktowetor Moron 44 440: KoGng St Mary a 240 30O U4 HURDLES: IshmssL 9L Mary Ml Camara Hogan 2XM1i 220: Bukxd Ho gen 141 2 MILE Gusman Hogan 1003 MAE RELAY: BL M30 Grandvtow 74 Htokman MBs 63 TEAM: 1 BL Mary's 73 A Btohop Hogan 06 Aquinos 4 Tumor 7 LONG JUMP: Hoannan Aqutoaa 131 HIGH JUMP: Sknorttoch 8L Mary's 30 013 CUB: Bordars Aquinas 1434: SHOT PUT: Borders Aquinas 33d 1 10 HIGH HURDLES: SknorXtooh 8L :114 060 RELAY: Hogan 124 100: Tuokar Hogan :123 MILE: WMWns BL MYt 646 440 RE LAV: Hogan 3 440: Heshman Aqukiss 14 BO U7W HURDLES: BknonNaoh IL laahman Aquinas 26 2: I f-MILE: WBioma BL MILE RELAY: Marys B0M: I Hr Hogan Mary's 18j476 QoktsnOlovss 10(: JttoftMBhtohXd" Don Oavto HukMnaon (RBC Ind round) Troy Tommi Lo wad dao Ardhony OwMaeto Ctovatond Brian Jones Perawvhranto dao Jaaua Rea Chtoago Mtaah Betas bss Moines dec dhans Coop LoutovSe Jesse WMtome Rortds Pec Deiv ry Montoya Rooky Mountain Terry Dominque I Msyeto dec Larry Royd 9t Louto 112: Adam Sdva LM Vsgea dec Mhe Horn Mtoorttas Jaw Benevtdee Fort Ward) dao Ardhony Banohoa Omaha Bam Oavto Penn eytvanto dec James Navarre FkxMat Chert Mtwtoa MnneepoNa dao Jimmy HNtor Knox vBo John OeVoA Lowed doe Fred Bstlato Le-layetto Jl Hantw Indtonaptdto dec Arnold Gitom CtoveRnd 1 1d: OMo Rodrlouet Hewel dec BNy Brntoi Toledo: Hsrtde SkMaaqua Lareyetto dec Joe Crui Hutotdnson Jknmy Johnson SL Lou doi Mwto Thorton Ctovatond MaMrtok Taylor dec Conrad Sarahex Fort Starr Sprtngtold dro Bruoe Embry Grand Aapklat Severtno Garoto Mtoneapo Ha dec Stondiy LongtoraM Oskol Darryl Lov XXL Naw York dal Jaaos HUto Kanaaa CNy (FAC In) round) 120: David Grayton Washington DC dec Bryan Cole Totodb Andrew Makar Lea Ve gaa ttoo Rohan Franco Fort Worth Orlando Johraoa Chtoago dsc Calvin Grove Penney! vents Bhalton LeBiano LMayMto dec John Cotona Jachon Tray Tt tin BMar Randy Put uen Cento Owen Dae Rortto Brakkto Wads Da-MdhardMm Ctovaland Hooky Mountain dM Jtyo atoiLum I'iMMr Cks MB NINVRBS MBS iWOT dec atom troNdsc 132: Juan topring HR ve Kjngevtoe 120 pre console don game 2 pjn and chwwptataRi 1:44 CotoredOBkl report Arapahoe Basin: 72 dappi 2 raw Fw PP Aspen HtgNends: SO dspPi 4 new Fto PP Aspen Mountoki: 56 dapdt new PP Bubtrinb: 50 dspPi new PP Snowmses: 70dipPi Tnew PP Bearer Creek: deppi 1 raw PP HP dspPi (new PP to: 07 depPi 1 new Pw PP 45 depth 6 new pow PP 9u Coop: 62 depth 0 new Pw PP Copp Mountoki: 04 deppi 1 new Pw PP Craolta Bute: 74 dspdi 2 now Pw PP EMora: 32 Oepti now HP SC Geneve BeRn: 01 deppi 10 new Pw PP Hidden VRtoy: 40 dtopdi 0 raw PP HP 9U taewtd: 40 dapdi 0 raw HP Keystone: 04 deppi 2 new Pw PP Lovetond BeRn: deppi 1 new Pw PP Loretond Vstay: Opwi Bel end Am Monerch: 07 dfath 5 new Pe PP Perratoro: 31 dspPi 0 new 8C Pbes Reek: 23 dspPi 4 nsw Pw PP PowTOrtiorii: TO depPi 0 new PwPP Plxgatory: 06 depit 0 new Pw PP AtortdooPi: Closed tasking A Marys: 30 danPi 0 nsw poe PP IM Ben IsabR: 3psn SaL and Bun BtoamteR: Mdspdi 2 raw BC PP BurktaP: deppi 4 npw PwTPP TePuride: 10 dspPi 6 npw Vet: dspPi 2 npw PP WP take Park: 57 dapdi 1 raw Pw Mary Jane: 72 deppi 2 new Pw PP HP VVoI Creek: 1J7 dspPi 14 new KsPP DspPi retore to unpacked arms In inches at mtaotnt Nsw rami retort to snow wNhin to 24 hours T-Paoe Rguras reported here an sup ptad by mdMduRweae Updctsa may be ob-tekisd by oadkg (306) 007-dior The latest llna probasketball (NeA) Pdktortto Points Underdog CETROfT din Dales HOUSTON 5 Golden Asia MILWAUKEE -5-Adams NEW YORK -I CIevetond LoaAngstos -7 SANOCGO PORTLANO 2 8en Antonio PRO HOCKEY (NHL) Favortto Oosls UndMdog BOSTON 152 Quebec Nsw York lUy PHlADELPHIA CALGARY 1-m Colorado Hums Tsrai In CAPS 1082 By Trtiuns Company Syndicsto Inc Atentto Dhrtalon LOB ANOBLBB (It): Aprt A PHOENIX 4 PORTLAND A ad Hoioton A DENVER 11 SEATTLE IA at Golden Stale IA UTAH IA GOLDEN STATE 1 A Phoetta BBATTLI DENVER Af Phcan 11 a IA GOLDEN I atPwdand BAN ANTONIO (It): Aprt A Seetas A HOUSTON 7 KANSAS CITY 11 Houalon 1 1 at Kanaaa Caj 1 A DENVER 14 al Phoe- Boaton 461 50 10 50 22 37 37 507 NniJawy Now York Inex ShUtoy Garvin GoN "oiftyER (IQ: Aprt A PORTLANO 4 at SaaNa A at Portend 7 el Golden Stale 1 al Los Armeies 11 Utah IA si San Ardonlo IA HOUSTON IA Kaneas CNy IT DAL LAS HOUSTON (IB): Aprt A Ban Antonio A LOB ANGELES 11 Sen 13 1 BASlANTd lit Louis James a Arxtonon LouWvfls (R8C CMraao Fomw m(7)a der (7) Cempbel (4) en I Mnton HR: Bln nd Mnton HR: I 18 MKencesCIty OOLDCN (TATI (11): San DMCiT DENVER (11): Sen Dtogo 7 DENVER: -I 011 111 I end May Notes Moreland WD BRAYTOT ASTROS 1 (ante 000 101-7 14 auston 010 001 (10-1 0 Boggs Camp (7) and Senodtot Ruhto nidi (7) BarnMo (0) Ruhto HR: Aprt A Dadaa 6 10 SAN DIEGO: 11 I Pori31A LOB ANGELES IA Seadtoi 1 A all il Loa Angatoe 17 SEATTLE PHOCMX (12): Aprt A at Loa Angalaa A KANSAS CITY: I SoaRa A PORTLAND I al Dalaa: 11 SEATTLE 1 GAN ANTONIO IA I GELE8 II Oaktawn rsaulU ttaatfwr Cto Track Fast FIRST 7001 ol rein 334yo Darting DortNhy (Coul) VklJO 00 640 MMslty(RP Romero) 60 100 Cradly Nora (Hkdwy) 740 Tkna a featohed: Prop Pol 8un-daykPrtnoses Trapiat Lady Mrmars InednoL roCONO 1701 cl 4yo up Joe Humphrey (Martlnex) Calidaroni (Court) Smart Ooup (DE wmbad) Time 1 :16 Scretotad: Bating Fool Bum Pacta Floppy Disc Timber Twig Defy Doubts (3 6) paid 19440- Osty Doutto (04) 06400 THIRD 10JJ01 cl 3yo 61 Tinker Bond (Court) 00 10 40 Mas Propers (Pederson) 40 120 Bertkron Mtot (Ntateon) 20 Tkna 1:16 Boratchod: Lindsay Gypsy Gwm Ntoohsx BkjsOsk Mas Bpotor FOURTH: 001 1 mdn 364yo mi 4 70yds Turpnuet (Borrows) 1360 700 40 Dsds's Ros (DE WIXHd) 110 740 Jamestown Teddy (Doooy) 70 Tkna 1 OH Sastohod: LNNs Ode Dynamic Decision Mem IRN Turkey Rwdno Dtdtor FIFTH: 10600 mdn 34yoR Luaky Lady Bton (Day) -50 30 30 Sow atrl (Snyder) 40 30 COllMOM PBGUitB kill data Mo TEAM: Johnson County 301 Kansas CNy Kansas 31 1 Pam Vtooy 310 Blato Fak 316 Longvtow 320 Conk Mtosoun Stole JV 331 YMtotaw -i iiBRtRS moompipip Md-Amortoa Community Cotags Confer ondt: Pam Valsy 111 Blato Fak 316 Longvtoe 300 Trenton kwomptoto Madatot: Burt Bike Johnson County 60 High school rssutta PARK HAL 0 OAK PARK 0 Msdatat: awrtto HR 37(1 ov) PEM-OAV 171 OHARA 174 Rob Park 31 HotM-ln-orw AT DUB'S DREAD: A I Bchasder No 4 110 yorda 7-kon AT 8TAYTON MEADOWS: George DomW to! No 21 120 yards PORTLANO (IQ: Aprt 2 Angatas A DENVER A DIEGO 11 GOLDEN ST A Bwi Dtogo 000 600 110 Mtoimdili (00 001 OOO 010-1 11 0 -1(0 Offer (() and OaneUx and Moore Disgo Templeton MoClura Stolon (I LnlvL: Modus i Denver 4 Loa Phoenix 0 SAN TATE IA BeetSe 16 si Sen Dtogo 11 PHOENIX Id SEATTLE Home games In CAPS C8A Playoffs Beet ot Sirs TVradlo AEAMMAMB1 010 110 000 0 0 0 0(0 0(0 0(1-1 0 1 as (0) and Kearney Walk WhN-lar (0) and Bendo Noma Alania DatroM Indiana Chicago a-Clavaland ctnchad playoff barth aftninaiad from playoffs Wadnaadaa naaufta Kansas City 1 16 Seattle 100 Boaton 119 Waahlngton 10S PhtadQphla 90 Chicago 96 Indiana 100 Detroit 100 Naw Jaraay 103 Clavaland 07 Danvar 120 Dates 1 10 Phoenix 127 San Diego 100 Tuaaday'a Raaulta Portland 109 Kanaaa City 00 Naw York 100 Indiana 104 Waahinglon 127 Detroit 96 Atlanta 107 CMcago 92 Mlwaukaa 1 10 PMIadalphla 1 14 OT GotJen State 1 13 San Antonio 107 Houalon 09 Dalaa 05 Denver 146 Seattle 142 OT Lot Angola 143 Sen Diego 120 Today's domes Dtalaaat Detroit 706 pm Qddan State at Houston 7:10 pm Atlanta at Mtwaukae 70 pm Clavaland at Naw York 7:35 pm San Antonio at Portland 9 JO pjn Loa Angalaa at San Diego 930 pm Friday's Games Kanaaa Ctty at Utah 0:30 pm Boaton at Atlanta 0:36 pm Washington at New Jaraay 66 pjn Clavaland at Phtedalphia 66 pm Mtwaukaa at Chicago 7:36 pm Portland at Danvar 036 pm Pho*rm at Loa Angalaa 10:30 pm San Antonio at Seattle 10:30 pm i (0) I 01 lUlfal) UBIBB ORIBI) vByi Kdrt Are todtonxjto(R8C 3rd round) Frank MSchstL Coturdxa (toe Jay Fudge kbinaapo Ns Gaorga Brooks Psnrwytvanto dsc Mktha Rraak BjxktgBaklTRobart Byrt Fort Worth dao Oatrlck Hudson Chicago 13(: Timmy Rata! LaSaywtto Mkha Koon Fsrxwpvanto (RBC 3 at ii ii Mlii -a i i WOWS NVIMG UPC Jem JC Carnal Jr Chtoago ludo Tony Hokyuin Jr ItnriMpoii doc Avery Columbus Vkusrd Ratofenl Fort Worth Tyrone Trios Mbaautas (RBC 3rd round)i Eton Brow! Manapolli dac Cudto Ghoto-ton I nutoitoa 147: Mtoha Num Oat Moines dac Atom Day Jackson LOuto Howard SL Lotto doc Qton BmN! Grand Rgptda Ronrto EnH Irx3 arwpoto dac Toby Tytor Mnnomoto Frank Tato Data! dsc 8omu Orbta Omaha: Robert Prod KnoxvRs dec Bon WBtoma Fort Worth Owln Alon Cotumhus dac Royd Poavy Lowad Ill: Roy Sapp Washington OD dao bob Chrtotofcaa Lowad David MoCaA Daa Momss Baa Lotxto Horn Chtoago Rog MoCane Las Vsgaa (too Oarrow Oudtoy Boatodi Alban Laddto Totodo dac Jo Bpsr Hutohirwon Ailed Mayes SL Louto dec Vincent BoUwars me ii I in JM- rwnwfmm uwm wptnUi wtovw opc Mtau8dene Grand Reptda 166: VlnoetN Nekne Cotunbua dac Dwtok Eitam kBarautaa Arth Laahom DekoN dsc Mtoha Marino Las Vegas Trent Momaon Hutchinson tW Bagata fa*gots Hawed (RBC 2nd round) BB EngluxL Mkxwapolto dec Hue as s- are JJ- ras Ma ft ii il ialrl pm won Mona Liny new opnnanma dac Motto Oswald Grand RRXda Oatay Bias Waahkxdon DC dac Arthu Jknmarson SL Lou fsd Hutoharaon Chtoago dac Andiony HILatayetto 176: Shorman Grtdkl MlrvwepctX dac 1M1-liam Trendtoy St Lotto Doug WtoO! Kansas CNy dac Ernest Barms! Lowai Sebastian Do Bowing 1(0 010 001-6 10 1 Bombs hi mi 000-3 1 Forsch Ktoon (7) and Downing Ferguson (4) Pony Clark (7) Rawtoy (0) and Ei () Forach dark HR: I Pe (Lively) -30 Time Yours BUJNQB A MOMTARTA 2 Mw 17: BBinga 12A Mortens 121 Mw 121 Montana 100 Mw 21: Montana IIABBIngs 114 Mw 22: Montana 131 BRtogs 111 OT Mar 24: Bflka 1(M Montana 107 CHARFIO lot eta LARCABTERABBJLBRM 1 Mw 27: LanceMw 1 11 Biingt Od 21: Lanoastor Od BWngs 04 Tuts: BRtoga 1 11 larxaator 102 Fit lanoastor Sol: Lanoastor 0 neoeeeery Sun: el Lanoastor PBA KING LOUIE OPEN Aft Two Rounds Al King Louto West 1 Jed Bedlngw Columbia SC 2773 2 MaralxU Holman Madtord Ora 2703 3 Char lia Tapp SoUh BL Pud Mkm 2711 4 Stove Wsstosto Cottage Grove Ore 2004 5 Joe Beran! Brooklyn NY 277 0 Lew Prator kxtopsndenoe 260 7 Henry Qonxatox Colorado Springs Colo 240 1 Mhe MonyeK Tacoma Wash 240 0 Pete 240 10 Jed 12 Ray She ktotord Hartwood Va 232 13 AMn Ulu El 14 Bntoa Cart Round Cajon CRN Kings summary ttht a mentos Now York dsc Alton Skiototon Louto- itatoro Wkxtoor Locks con Brown todtoranota (RBC 2nd round): Antonio 2nd round) Antonio 236 a tp Woodson A Johnson Drew Coilo rsGuttB Nebraska 12-A Kaamay 8t 31 Fort Hays SL 116 Frtonde 16 Coikogs llrmcOTM BT CLOUD STATE 3A MO WOTERR 1 6 St Ctowd Stott 301 1(0 0 0 14 0 Mtaaourt Waetom 100 000 0-1 7 0 HaBord aru Panosks Noonan 8nldw (6) and Louxadar HRkxd (16) Noonan (1-3) HR: 9L doud State Johnaon and Fwguaon SL Cloud Stoto 100 100 0 2 0 1 Missouri Waetom 030 010 i-( 10 3 MB Syhranl (i) Lsrors (0) and Pancake Kgargaard end EBa Kgargaavd (31 MB- (3 1 HR: Mo Western Hussar A BD-AMCMOA 11 OLIVET Mid-America 000 001-10 11 1 ONvat Rarersne 111 100-0 0 0 Kevki Bal Gary Frlabey (1) and Qian McFar land Moon Oraks (0) and 8hina Frtohay (1-0) Moon MOURT VERROR 1 3 MR3-AMBBCA I Mount Vernon 300 3M-12 II 1 MW-America 300 (00 2 3 1 Hinkle and Barr MBs Hastings and Gian McFarland Hinkle Hastings TABOR 04 MARY 7-1 Tab 001 201 4-0 0 0 SIMary 010 3(0 0-7 0 Loyd FaU (6L Edmonds (7) and Main Aral Prtoa (7) Moukton (7) and Brown FaU Prloa (1-1) HR: Tab Malone Tab 100 OBI 0-0 4 BL Mary 000 (01 1-1 0 I Dtok and Main Prtoa Tnratokl (6) and Brown KARBAS 34 MM60URI SOUTHERN 3-0 Mo SotiVwrn (00 100 0-1 4 1 Kanrosttl 000 x-1 7 1 Btoroom and Cadton PhBtoa and Btwtoy (0-2) HR: Mo Boidh- PhMtoa (2-2) 4K On the air today BASEBALL: Tdxaa Rangers va Kansas City Ftoyala 120 pjn KMBZ (960 AM) FfaDAV BASEBALL: Kanaaa CNy Royals ve Texas Ranger 12:20 pjn KMBZ (960 AM) PRO BASKETBALL: Kansas City Kinga A Utah Jazz 80 pm KCMO (810 AM) San Antonio Spurs A Seattle SuperSonic 10:30 pm Ch 13 Cable TV NOTE: T-kidicatss evert was toped For chennR converalotto chaok wkh your oabto sup-pita ESPN dsnciias Entortokmenl and Sports Proipemmkig Network USA denotes USA Cotta Network WTBS denotes WTBS Alwta WON denotes WGN Chicago HBO donotos Romo Bax Oriloe ACV donotos Amarioan Cd-btovtoton today BASKETBALL: NCAA Ovtokm II women's ahsmptonehip T-3 pre ESPN Golden Stole Warriors Houalon Rockets 7 pre USA Al lerda Hawks at Mitsraiktae Bucks 76 pre WTBS Los Arigstoa aken al Sen Dtogo Cup-pan 00 pre USA BOXING: Top Rank bouts Iran AlanOc Cky 70pre ESPN HOCKEY: Washington Capitols at Pittsburgh PanguinaT-11 are ESPN RODEO: Tri-Stoto rod) from Fort Madtocm Iowa T4 are U8A SKIING: World Cup T-2O0 are ESPN SWIMMING: NCAA Okrltion II man's champi onshlps T4 are ESPN FMDAV BASKETBALL: Golden Stoto Wanton at Houalon Rockets 120 are USA Loa Ari gata Lakers San Dtogo Ckppsro T-3 are USA NCAA DMetai III champtatakp T-20 pre E8PN BOXING: Top Rank bouts from Adandc Cky 20 are 11 are ESPN INDOOR SOCCER: Pktoburgh Spkk at Bufla-lo Btotoona 00 pre USA RODEO: ProlsaalonR rod) from Mstquta Texes T4 pre E8PN IATUROAY BASEBALL: ClncinrMi Reds va Houaton Aa tree 120 pre T-7 pre ESPN Chicago Whte Sox Chicago Cute 1 pre WGN GYMNASTICS: NCAA Mvtokm II men's champtonRta T4 are ESPN ROOEO: Pntaaalotta rodeo kom MasouM Ta: SJohnaon Grurtato Dory Rev Smpy 8r- KaNh Vtnsng Oskol da i Alaxend Coronado Las vegaa (RBC 3rd round) Had: Earl Lswto Ctovatond dec Bobby Jan-mnga Knoxvtto Oton Alexander Hutohmaon wafcner Joa Qb Omaha Jkn Finn BprtngRald dac KaahAtanLoutovBaNatoRohkiaonFT' ida walkover Flodney Buntoy Totodo Burt: Warren Thompson Jr Waahlngton DC del James Wrteon 81 Lotto (RBC 3rd round) Kevki Dhealey Mmedpota dec Nelhentol ru i f-aMl- trot lilt util rPOfV rWMM cuutP mWOlOfi ron vronn del Nick KooL Das Mokae Richard PuRx Washington OC Kelh Suddudi Kansas CNy (TOC 3rd round) Al Evens Chicago dac Jknmy Brtavn Hutohtnaon Flock Tax 2 ic Mo 211 11 Mho MB Albuquerque NM 2110 1 7 Al Btonum South Bpn Chortle Lacy Mkttond Texas mm BaMno Chtoago 216 SL Lotto 210 21 Mark 1W! Spring lake Halgha NJ 2M 22 John Donahuo Kansas CNy Kan 216 23 Diva Mustod MNwaukla Ora 274 24 Bob Handtoy Fakway 271 21 Ernie SrJtogsL Vanoouv Wsah 271 21 Marti Fahy Chicago 200 27 Slava Mar 50 21 Rog Haakto 260 21 Gaorga Pappas Chariot NC 206 30 Tad Hannaha ZanaavBs Ohio 263 On tQngapo! Tann 206 203 Exhibition soonsbosrd AMERICAN LEAGUE Ml Toronto Texas Chtoago Kanaaa Cly Badknora CaMome Maeetiei OaMand LkxxXn MO! Ta 540! cow Oomack NY 241 30 Cava Macy Car- 31 aa siau! Lincoln Nab 262 32 Gary Lkokaraon Burtoso! Texsa 240 33 Frank FSsnburg Msaa Aril 240) (0a) Tom Laa- New York Boston Detroit Rampuy Song Btohops FNng Screen Melody H0OlcL4youpR Amber's Harbor (Moors) 120 50 420 Afro OR (Ooocy) 40 50 Mat Boom Soon (Court) 40 Tkno 1 1 5 Scrstchsd: Notto Aotoptor Fsst Lola Lta 9uoa Rarengo SEVENTH 1 701 Rc 3A4yo Josaphkis Bln (Mapls) 40 340 320 PoaRre Tract (Lambert) 1440 020 Marvwrad Lady (Wws) 1220 Tkna 9cratohad: Shads Mbs Deborah Ame EIGHTH 21001 Rc 3A4yo Ot Hsratord Man (Day) 40 300 20 Try ktoc (Howard) 740 440 My Da Charito (Lively) 20 Time Screkhed: Gem Jey Sete'a Broth- Bypeea NINTH 2001 tic 4yo re 01 Gaiarx Barenada (Moore) 440 320 30 GtorerD (Lambert) 50 30 Ttxaa Gam (fctopto) 500 Tkra 1:1 JLl Scratohad: Iron Pegasus Baby TRk TENTH 701 364m mU 70yds GanarR Nuterack (Day) 440 30 20 Yartakto (Fortnw) 40 30 Hsrona BU (Doocy) 0 Tkra 1:401 Soratohad: Vanqutoh Cun-rung Crsgai Cloud Ot Bmoka Vowd Attendance: 1002 Hmdto: 02007002 Fonrrer Park results Track Fact FIRST 3 yo mdn 1 mat Yuton Vulan (Morgan) 20 320 30 Peach Cobhtor (Andaraon) 20 720 Run To ktorttol (Thompem) Tkra 14 Atop tan: Count Tropic ItxaraHM Ed O'Quodo Oust! JooR 0 Lktoup On My-tkto Ms By Dbda Atodoo Baby 8ECONO 4 yo up 02501 Kray's Coyoto (Motor) 100 520 420 Srovant (Rotas) -30 30 Bln North (OKki0) 180 Tkra 1:15 Also ran: Pine Steal Calypeo Bay Go Outer Go Not EreatoetL Jetlt Honey Daly Doubto (4-2) M6S0 THIRD 3 yo mdn into MaxtorarOompton) 100 00 40 Tumen (Drone) Shatoya Raohf (Wtotoma) 720 Tkra Atoo ran: Franoto Aulumn QuR Wind Surtor Reuga Bang Mora Cudgt Las lta Bo a Gray Exacts (0-1)01120 4( AM 320 300 20 20 J40 Maohuta Cay LavanUra RroR Bloc! Hurry Up Clad Ad a Indian Duke of Zooka Lamar's Phantom FIFTH 3 yod 0701 The Brain Or (Unto) 100 440 40 Kay to da CaRto (B King) 740 70 a es fl I tall I mm rTKMM imnmi) Tkra Alto ran: Jiato Sue Sup Ura Barba's Sakort tkrssksr Whklavan Frtoba Exacts (2-1)01330 SIXTH 3 yo RS11000 1 Kkd'a Dream (WRtara) 1 1 40 60 440 JAPrtnoa(EKkig) 1040 50 Looketyawn (Unkiar) 520 Tkra 1:14 Alto ran: BooN'a Big India! Ha-vtab Raypway Chanoay Affak Foreign Bon SEVENTH 4 yc up (500 PppfGre) 60 30 320 Junta Betar (Schmidt) 20 3'AO Im'a Natural (Lammora) 110 Tkra 1:13 Atoo ran: SpINtontol Mr Botod Ftay Hta Dwnhta Kmm El Vando Exactt (11)0400 EIGHTH 4 yoito stow 0 Han Comas Hereto (Compton) 20 340 20 Too GRtorN (WBtara) 220 20 JuR A Qtonpoe (Mardnox) 20 TMs 1:13 Atoo rani Watch Hkn Whtote Akl- MISL BCorsboBrd WETflNN DIVISION Pci 27 10 730 QB p-9L Ukto 42 ee 28-36 36 2 2t 100 30 31 11 30-116 30 31 11-106 THRK-POINT GOAL: nona SLOCKED SHOTS: Kino Johnson Johnson 9hRton Basra 2 Wbtome FOULED CXT 5 Johnson aacms TECHNICALS: SsstBs Coach VHklne 2 "LEGAL DEFENSE: Kansas Cy 2 Soatoa 0 OFFICIALS: Crawtort and MkldMon NBAsummariss caTKsii0Buusnio0 WA0HMSTON: Haywood 0 04) 10 Balard 6 2-2 10 Mahom 3 4-4 10 Johnson 3 2-2 6 Orevey 0 1-2 21 Lucas 1 3-2 4 Codins 1 0-2 2 RUM 10 7-0 27 Totals 44 10-22 100 BOSTON: MaxwsN 2 3-6 7 McHala 0 2-2 14 Parish 0 35 21 Carr 6 1-2 1 1 Henderson 6 OO 12 Bbd 15 36 Arehttad 4 34 11 Akigs 2 4-4 A Totals 40 21-27 110 Weehtngkon 11 10 30 31-16 Beslan BBS 10-116 Three point poets: Orevey 2 Bedard Folds: Waahlngton 21 Boston 17 Technkta: Amend 1630P PACENB 100 FtBTONS 100 110 412 0-0 6 1 011 103 0 0 I (6) and Carlton Kroek Qto-and Hoaktoon Bay (31) 7: Mo Southern Rampey Kan- EMPONU BT 104 OBMBJI 0T 34 pat 000 010 1- 2 1 4 BL M2 (to a-10 13 3 OL Lamb (3) and Kanrmdy Han and KantM Rtoago (4) Hard (14) MWard (0-1) HR: Rtoago atraok MO BM (-4 0 1 101 0(6 a-l 6 0 Bartholomew and Blalock Renxeknan Sts nak (d) snd Thompson Stansk (1-1) Bar tholomow(0-1) ORAL ROBERT 37 KAN6A66T 14 KansaaSL 001 100 0 3 3 Otto Roberts 300 ON a-0 I 0 Rupe Bums snd CoBral Trutoo and Cotoort Rupe (44) Tno (33) HR: Kanaaa SL Goatto! Bartow Orel Rotarta Mucha Kanaaa Bteta 000 ((( 000-0 0 3 Oral (them OM 020 00x 7 0 1 Fteemen and Cotwrt are Brow (5) Hantgan (() Lamb (7) Manweler () and Houp ttamnea (31) Fteemen (4-2) HR: Oral nncyiMi rUUH I ri 2 yo (WV ratond 201 82 Frad Charito Blal (D'king) l203 63 ktotk Bakar Hasty Andy (Compton) 202 64 Ftondy UoM- porxto (htadnox) 200 56 Gip Lertaa Tkno :43 wpo ran: I NH 201 Ctevstand 205 52 Frad 203 S3 Mark Batar FOURTH 2 yo mdn Diking) Haaly Andy (Compton) Poraa (Martlnex) Tkra :46 Atoo ran: PlMugh Sen Otago Chtoago St Lous Ctodnneti Loa Angalaa PhiadstphN Monks Naw York HouRon SenFrancwoo Wo Kanaaa Cky A PNMhurgh 3 Loa Angalaa A Boaton 7 li Montreal A Tans 0 Adenta 7 Houston 3 Clnelnnaa 7 New York Mse 2 PhUadetphe A Ootro i SL Lou A Toronto 3 BaMnoro A Chtoago While So 3 Chkego Ctda A Ban Frsnctooo 2 Sen Dtogo A MRvatdiaa 1 CaMomto A SeeNN 3 OaMand A Clavetondi Naw York Yardtaea A ol So Florida i Tuesday's Nseults Kansas CNy A CtooinnddS Naw York Mato A OaNeN 2 Mmseoto A Texas 2 Chtoago Cute A CMNomeo SanDtego AOoMend3 Ctovatond 7 MBtrauhoa 0 679LLoue5 Ida A BoNmors 3 Yardtaea 0 Loa Angstse 7 Toronto A MonbeR (SS) 2 Chkego VEdto Sos A Boston 1 SeaNto 7 Ban FrenoNoo 6 Texas vs KanaeaQN 12G0 pm Phaadslphtove New York Mats 12G0 pm SL Lou va PNtahurgh (SS) 12d0pm Mores Alania 120 pjn Nmr Yotk Ytxdwaa va ClncinnaA 1 20 Jn Houston va Boston 120 pm Pltohugh (88) va Chtoago Mddto Sox 120 pin Toronto va OokoL 120 pjn BaWmota vs Mkxxtooto 120 pun OaMand va Chtoago Ctie 2 pjn San Frsndaoo vs OseWN 2 pm Ctovatond ve Mtorauhaa 2 pm Sen Olegs Stole at Sen Olego a pm Odom Mnaton-Satom NC ichaa Edwards Titoa Okto 243 31 Bby Gaorga CNrua Heighto Cab 237 36 14238 40 Dave KaspaL Chtoago 234 41 BobHwL BayMy Mkh 2 533 42 Jerry Brito! Studio Cky car 225 43 Kan For nandax Grerta Paaa Ora 234 44 Paul Cawed Tucson Artx 210 40 (0S) Kenny Hek Ladtom NY and Pete MoCordIc Houaton 217 47 Tom Kahtor Tuoaon Artx 216 40 Warren Nason Downey CeW 206 41 (da) Tkradiy Teneey Exton Pa 20d 81 Eddie Ratal Jr Mammae! 51 Jeff Morin Jmkto Gresndato Vta Garden Grove CaW tool Si Chartw Mo Rowland Heighto CRN 2466 51 Paul Moror xsi al ri JAR oOtTMTSBl MmN-s tapMIW 57 Mka Ertokman Dubuque Imre 2464 58 (ds) Kara Wagn AJtontown Pa tnd Sam Zu-rio! Huntlngto! NY 2462 10 Jkn Davie Lenexa Kan 2400 61 Slava Coo! RoasvBt CRN 2465 62 Wayne Webb mdtonepoNt kid 2484 63 Jey Rotxneon Vm Nuya Cel 2402 04 Mhe SHkitaa! ABMp 82411 60 (He) Netoon Burton Jl SL Louto James HR Most Artx and Jerry Btov Raytown Mo 240 at Dave Soutor Leawood Km 2477 06 Fred Com Mw Vista Cal 2400 70 Nak Burton SL Louto 24M Santo Maria CaR and Rich Hartman Oodkey fl 2400 73 Soon Buddndtom Anchor aga Alaska 2457: 74 (0a) Rre Buckley Columbro Ohio and David do YVtor Text! 2466 7d John WRUto! Hurtoay 2454 77 Mkhay Hlgman Kanaaa CNy Mo 2441 78 ftondy Hakgrova Kanaaa CNy Mo 2444 71 Itocha Fexxey Tuaoon Aria 2442 00 Store Fahr CkxkmaL Ohio 2440 11 Dm MoCuns Highland bid 2437 12 (do) Kevin GBRto Florerao Ky and Alan Grand Pakaads Ctdo 2430 04 Bo Bowden DRta 2432 (da) DanW Barmsoh Plorer we Mha Durbin Chabrin FRto Ohio end Jtom ToBrer Petaoww CRN 2431 Gi Stow Nashua NH 2426 Tom Batar BuRRo NY 2420 01 Butch Bop Newport Bate! CRN 2411 01 Paul Gtaon 2414 02 Gary Skidmore ANki-quorqro NM 2411 S3 Bob Glass Lewranoe Kan 2400 04 Jail Dunn Cypress Cam 2405 91 Jamas Starkey Afeuquwqut NM 2401 (1 Dm Johnson Las Vegas Nsv and Dlok Water SL Louto Mo 2401 Donald Ganalo Merrick NY and David Pope Faystavta Ark 23(7 101 Stow Bowman Let Vegaa Nav 2302 101 JRI Vaton- 102 MR Aoota dra Natick Mare 2300 10S lilatsaatfaii'e Jt fvvungiMiy 9 Npw York 7 Butflk) 4 Tusbdty't Rebulta No gome pchpduM Todey't Game PhladtlpNa at Now Jbrapy 6:35 pm Friday's OamM Kanaaa City dt SL Louto 7J6pm PKtaburgh al Buffalo 7:05 pm PhdbtMphto at Ctovatond 7:05 pm BaMmort at htow York 75 pm Danver at Wtohlto 7-36 pm Mamphto at PtxwrNx 8 J6 pm Saturday' Qatna PNtotxfgh at BaWmore 6:36 pm Ctovatond it Naw Jarapy 6 5 pm Conwts statistics Through Mar SCOMNO EVERYONE GAN ADVANCE HISHER CAREER READING TIMES A STAR WANT ADS CALL 234-4846 TO SURSCRIBE MMSOUM 104 MU4DWAROSVMXE 34 0IU (Pwarttovtoa 000 030 0- 1 0 I Mtoaouri OM 006 a-10 13 I BchsBral and Bchatar Gross and Bak WP: Groat (31) IP: Schatoal HR: Bo Hkioto Qraoo Mbaou! Fix Faktanka Amha BtU-EthaartanrMs IN 301 0 4 4 1 Mtoaouri 330 000 1-5 1 Smah and Btowood Spracktos Dural (0) tnd Bak WP: Spracldst (44) LP: BmNh (0-2) LIN Main iiIii naa a I i I nn: so MtooM nwiNTW High school rsautts Barton 17 East 2 Kanaaa Oak Park 5 CoitogtsoftiMlI MO WESTERN 311 CENT MITHOOMT 31 MoWaatom 012 OM 3-0 Cam MsRiodtoi 1(1 Mo 3-1 4 0 Wonda Barry and Vlokto Ktoeewettor Qoetx end Petra HR: Mo Waetom Kkn Palm Ms Western 1M 02-10 12 0 Cam MNhodtol 000 10-1 3 0 Chart Kempl Mamey Jsnae (4) and Suxenns MgraDataro Owen (4) Goan Laahtoy (3) do! Mac Donna NINTH 4 4 yo re Tripura 13 0-7 32 Beneon 0 2-2 aLRmta 4 0-10 Thomas 7 54 10 Long 6 IS Hayes 0 1-2 1 Tyler 4 04) A Johnson 0 1-4 1 Lae 0 04)0 Carr 1 04) 2 Totals 44 Id-26 106 MOMMA: Knight 3 04) A WBtom 1 2-3 IA Johnson a 1 1 17 Bust 0 1-1 11Davto34 1A OrrS 46 1A Owene 1 1-2 A MoQInnlaS 1-4 7 Cener 6 00 1 2 Stohdng 1 04) A Totals 47 1 3-21 10A Osama 23 20 10 tndtom 10 20 00 36-16B Three ptdm goal: Huso Fouls: Detroit 21 Indiana 24 634 NCTB 10A CAVAUCNB 0T CLEVELAND Madman 4 1-10 Flohlnson 1 4-4 A Edwards I 3-3 16 Brewer 10 33 23 Hueton 6 1-2 11 HubherO 1 04) A Sdaa 4 0-0 1 A Henon 0 04) A MpkeRd 0 2-2 A Naelanl 0 0 A Branson 1 04) 3 Total 34 10-23 07 BSW JSmeT: WMwne 4 2-3 1 A King 3 1 3 7 Breve 0 6-6 10 WMtom 6 1-1 17 Wadtar 2 0-2 A OKoren 7 041 14 Oook 11 1-4 SA Baley 1 2-2 A Qmktad 2 2-2 6 Totals 44 1 A 21101 Ctouatetd 27 21 II II- 17 Naw Jaraay 11 14 10 M-Itt Folded out: Edwards Touts: Cleveland 01 NewJareey24 AMA211 70CRB 0A BULLB 00 CMCAGO: Qrsenwood 7 0-7 20 Kenan 6 1 41 1 1 Gbrare 4 A 10 1 7 Lester 2 1 -2 A Theue 7 0-0 14 Sobers 5 PI 10 Jones 6 1-4 IS Jet eon 1 04) A Waotrtdg 1 44 6 Totals 37 24-32 01 FMLADfaFMA: Bvlng 13 0-7 32 Jones 2 04) A Jones 4 04) A Hodlns 6 1-2 1A Choate 4 00 A Bsntom 0 04) 0 Tonoy 7 1 -2 16 Pastime 34-6 10 Hfchardaon 0 04)0 MB 10-2 A Curoton 1 04) 2 TotWs 43 12-10 66 CMaaae is 34 0 10-00 teliftphli 17 10 37 30-60 Three-potm goal: Toney Folded out: Fotds: Chicago 22 PNIadRphto 27 1017 MISSSTB 11A MAVBBCM ltd PBBVBB Ertatoh tt 33 27 Vandeeogho 6 0-12 2A Iso 47-7 tA UsMnns Dunn 1 2-0 A Gortorexk 2240 Thompson I 32-41100 fit bjbmmi a tm leeweeeutte IsaN 47-7 tA MoKtnney 6 22 14 6 A Oondmeok 2 2-6 A HlBBa 4 04) A 1 6 4-4 tA Hotdgss 2 33 rTotea 44 (201 11 Be Dogbrad (Unln) 40 130 BatawadRadan (HoRlay) 200 20 Gatani Luck (WHwria) 40 Tkra Atoo ran: Gold Blada Ruta'a Moose Gordo Thundw Rtogs Gary Grape Eipactodaru Bhdrra Dane ola (110) (1600 ilfallimdto: (411101 YNmax Ortia! tubs Petrovfc ZoranSevK Ban Popoota Va DaSouxa Lan Satvamkk Kpton Handlan GaryAmlongF MhaBWdcF John Ootkiaky Gkxi SchkaloL 0 JdtFBhF 120 OratoBtohLF a WmatonHw 0 Kanaaa CNy vs Texas 120 pm 9L Lou ve ClnolnneA 120 pm Alanto vs Heuaton 120 pm Boaton Nmv Yotk Mato 1 20 pjr New York Yankees ve hdtodafeld pm DekoavePtoatMgh 120 pm BsNmore va Manke 120 pm Mkiaaoto ve Toronto l20pm Ctovatond va Ben Frencteoo 1 pm Chtoago Cta vs MRroukoo 1 pm OaMand Son Otoga 1 pm Angaiss S0 pm Hayward CRI and Ed Wye! 2371 104 Guppy Troup Jadoorw! 101 Bob O'Connor Poway Slay Austin Texas 2366 107 Jadaonvta Fla 2331 CAU and Don Bobby Knipple Long Bam! CRN 040 Uny Barwto! Wauchuto Pto2 2334 HaotalF d8arachnM CNva Qrilfhha EmoOtPada GK Pet OocTauto OwanRoaa Victor PatsnLQK Tony Strata rknTyms 104 -1 -x MifK naoincMon Ottwrs NHL scoreboard Ares sports this wssk TODAY Cebero SOFTBALL: BansdkRra WBtom Jowok BOYS' 6 GIRLSIACK: Spring HP Ol-tarn krvkatlon 9 tun Royals exhibition box A6: Brtslow 4 1-1 A VkKent 10 1-2 11 Coop 2 04) A fade 1 1-1 11 Turner 62-21 A Apste 12M30NatMnonl369 NUnphseO l5 1 Bptnwksl 1 4-4 1 A Kes 0 04) A Uoyd 1 O42LaSards004)0 TotalsN 1321 111 31 140 111 1111 31 1M 1(1 1110 OF OA 3T4 237 30 296 312 303 300 330 310 333 300 216 300 271 p-PNbburgh Ntogara FRto NY2332 Tuta Ota 2323 111 i NJ 2314 112 2302 113 Frank Ethrerda Moaooa Pal 2200 1 14 Don Fowtor KanaasCNy Mo 2M1 111 Hugh MM 8ett-0a Wtah-2202 ill Mbs Attay Indtonapoi! kid 2171 1 17 Jot HutohktoO! Scranto! Fa 2267(110 Bmoa AngRbac! Indapandaraa Mo 22401 Johnny PelriRto Manolspaa NJ 2B4B 120 Fkch Am! Karaaa CNy Mo 2240 121 Frad Feulx Karaaa CNy Md 2241 122 MRa TbrR-lo Raytown Mo 3015 128 Rum Coos Rtohrwnd CaR 207 aTOhuck Ptoros ORta 300 124 It Boston p-Burwo p-Quatoc 337 OF NBI BN OA AVO Earn (Weds 31 1714:10 1111 101 143 626 VtotorPataM 11 480:12 407 114 41 624 VRDoSouxa 0 29:10 I 7 2 413 COMUla 31 2111141 ISM TW 1M 623 Opp 3311143 1113 140 (Jl BCORI BY FtRMOB 40 3 0-140 5 (4 3 1-103 I ADVANTAGE GOALS: Orhan 4 SavM Com WWAWi FffBAY CsBsgs Mtaisaoto-Duiidhi sou! 1 PJWi ErengRR Mtoaouri Wntom 6 pjn: Wlnoro Stoto WMhbum ISO pun BOFTBAa: NarthwMt Mtoaoikl SaudtaaR eex -x -ex 1 ta re tat hreffOIJl ffimiWfalr I mJTi MENS TENNIS: Drury and Crstason Wiliam Jsetoi OuudiwaR BapdR SaiRrepR Mtotou! to ajn ArteraapJJBa Rook SouPweR Mtoaou! 10 pjn Cialghton NorffewR Mtoaotal 0 ajn WPahtem North- weal Mtoaouri 3 pjn WOMCN'8 TENNIS: nab and PJSoF: Btophara WMton RI WBtom Wool County RCRtoyvBa 110 01 111 Three point goal: Agtdne Folds: Oam 2A Dalaa 34A: 702 BUNS 1(T CUFFflHS 100 134-6 10 VANahaad 7 2-4 1 A Brogan 6 04) 10 HB 0 04) 0 Bmanl 1 00 11 Woad 7 36 1A Dauglaa 0 00 1 May 4 t-t 11 Bmtat 1 04) iTotWa 40 14-10 101 t6 1-1 4 34 It I Muter A Louto 140 121 Jkn Muritohew San Carina Calk 170 127 Greg I to 701 131 Kyto Bhadd p-8L Louto a-Oskok I Mo-Rkda BoR Bad 4o0tora 10 PENALTIES (In mmuta)t OaBouaa 11 Fo 12 FRt 11 Oman 0 Handton 1 Pskwx I a a ta gaktaHM fa ran fas ns wrn swiww 4 GrdlWia 4 BtoH 4 Amtongl BRdc 1 OotMuto 1 Perovtc 1 Skraea 1 DMnaky 1 bench lodwnai OP: Gampa playad Goato AaRato BH: Bhoto TP: TMRpokea Forward Mdheld- Deland GK: OoRttotpar 310 300 11(117 300 47 410 204 3M342 273 270 010 360 4 040 Tnnif man 10 are Qhwftoo 7 7 004) 11 OevW 120024 Kremerl 1-2 AOookSO 1 04-01 127 04 10-106 II 10 10-107 ThreepoM goaN: Wood A Merry Fotds: Ban Otago 2A Phoone 1 7 1 111 B1 nlaisdl No putyoTi ncoa SATURDAY Cubage BASEBALL: CenbS Mtoaouri a p-Vanoouv 20 31 i plot Angatoe 04 30 i xwCRorado 17 41 i CNnRad ptoyoff (arth ros ms- fi MIWMI "wii RMM -Lata gray not kidudsd -X I --sen -t a Monm Bp fwiM i ErengRR 1M I StotoRWMM out Mtoaouri Waahbum -x tab ffiMfi Jfawwa wv 10 pre i outran 1 pre Pro FRANKFURT GUARD FRA Frankfurt 1 MEN'S ANGLES: Tl dPaysJboxt wpnai i BtoRL CMdhoRowta Track AfMd IQ BOSTON (lib Aprt AM Alania 4 CHCA QO 1 ad Mteautas A Naw York A NEW jsnsrr iir FttetetoN ia Ottawa tA haw Jaraay 1A NSW Apr A CLEVELAND AiosnrUsSSS lit it il MHWAUk BOFTBAU: Horthsto Mtooatxl In BoudiwaW Mtoaouri MMK I are MENS TRACK: Wtotom Jawed Northwest Mtoaouri kwiadnroL 10 are Southwo Mto sore BouthaaR kMteurt Ratty! 1 re-WOMEN TRACK: NorSamR Mtoaouri kn4- OtR Roberta Soutawast Mtoaou! pre AAtoam Jewel Otosre 11 are Northern Mtoaouri Batar io are tlerihsaRttaaouriRKanaM tpre GOU SoufiweR Mtoaouri a BadToumamanL ifi 100 ooo oo-i 00 001 OSD 01-4 Madtock Pam LOB: Ptdaburgh 7 Kanaes CNy IA 28: Leoy Alkane HR: Bras 9B: Lacy 2-mttalNargh If REftWSO Coilaga results Hn OBawe 13d Bek 10 BMrai) 11 Bouttakatorn 07 BRhtar 111 Ckiud County 07 ffMARRMRI 1150toud County 46 5 0 0 1 1 4 3 3 4 1 3 110 0 Nw York Raman 4 Chtoago 1 Etkrarion 7 Lta Angatoi 3 Cotoradt Vanoouvarnlgbt TuseduYs Raeurto BuWo 6 Ouibic 4 re UrofadaR i MIMWBW nmWQfu IMnrXpsg 7 Mnnsasto 6 BL Louto 1 Toronto 3 Calgary 7 Los AiyetosS Quebec BostalSB ajn NY taandan ndtodatohto Idl pjn OotorumOJSbjo Pktoburgh NroYta Rpnpm 7100 pjn Mkmrooto WAnnlpog 00 pjn ISpilaip P4 Stow Denton 6 Zotan Kuhenky Hungary 10 13 rim Meyota Lao FMn Finland IS 17 11 Toms Bmto Caeohotto-vata Jed Borowis! U8 64 Rod Frrotoy Arokaka Mark EdmortaO! Aretra-Ua 6414 MENS DOUBLES: Rod QRVtngChrRtoph ZW We Oenrany Jaao Soares Marcos Horerer Brad 44 7114 Hioh aohoei results BRBQ wwkeiBFeM krawraiNM M4MY IBHAMMH MtaSION NORTH 1 LoranR-Wtooomte12il No 1 HIT ma! Ram-Day 1'N AMBAUj Mr HI tatafStoata eta fanlbuMM 1 Tekuhra 8ermiemo(L) Kanaaa CNy Leonard 6 Jeokeon 2 Ckdeenbeny (W) 3 aorta (North- 11are dprtnpHtova MtaaMan fan 0 ire and ohamptonRitp (Ri pre) SOFTBALL: Spring Hto ImttoBDiiR (Noritv aalArms va Node Dome da Btav 11 are 7 A Bsdieny 361.

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The Kansas City Times from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)


Is Kansas City, Kansas the same as Kansas City, Missouri? ›

Today Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri, remain two separately incorporated cities but together, along with a number of other cities and suburbs, as part of the Kansas City Metropolitan area. 1961 map of the Greater Kansas City area showing the city's expansion outward from the Missouri and Kansas rivers.

Which Kansas City is bigger? ›

Kansas City, Kansas is locally called "KCK" to distinguish it from the larger Kansas City, Missouri (KCMO). It contains many residential neighborhoods, the Fairfax Industrial District, and the Village West entertainment district.

Why is Kansas City split between two states? ›

At around the same time settlement was beginning along the river bottoms in Wyandotte County just across the border in the state of Kansas. So from the 1850s on there were two Kansas Cities, divided by the Missouri-Kansas state line, and both grew from a consolidation of villages rather than from a single unit.

What divides Kansas City Kansas and Missouri? ›

State Line Road is a major north–south street in the Kansas City metropolitan area that runs along the Kansas–Missouri state line.

How far apart is Kansas City MO from Kansas City KS? ›

(However, they are very close together — about five miles apart.) Oddly enough, and it sounds counterintuitive, the Kansas City in Missouri was founded before the Kansas City in Kansas.

Are the Kansas City Chiefs from Missouri or Kansas? ›

Kansas City Chiefs, American professional gridiron football team that is based in Kansas City, Missouri, and plays in the American Football Conference (AFC) of the National Football League (NFL).

Is it better to live in Kansas or Missouri? ›

Kansas beat out several neighboring states, including Missouri, in a report ranking the “Best States to Live In.” The report from WalletHub ranks Kansas as 20th out of all 50 states.

How many millionaires are in Kansas City? ›

There are 166,458 millionaire households in Missouri and 68,209 in Kansas. That's approximately 45,000+ in the Kansas City metropolitan area per Forbes.

Which is bigger, St. Louis or Kansas City? ›

However, if you go by metro area populations, St. Louis has more people. Its metro population is 2.8 million while Kansas City's is 2.2 million. The numbers are pretty close either way.

Which state came first, Missouri or Kansas? ›

Forty years after Missouri statehood, in 1861, Kansas was admitted as a state of the Union, a free state, as the abolitionists had won in Kansas, as the larger Civil War had begun.

What river runs through Kansas City? ›

The Blue River is Kansas City's river. Two-thirds of all water in the Kansas City metropolitan area drains into the Blue River. It begins in Johnson County, Kansas, and flows into Missouri. There, the Blue joins the Missouri River near Independence.

Why is there a rivalry between Kansas and Missouri? ›

Background. Many believe the rivalry can trace its history to open violence involving anti-slavery and pro-slavery elements that took place in the Kansas Territory and the western frontier towns of Missouri throughout the 1850s.

Which is larger, Kansas City, Kansas or Kansas City, Missouri? ›

While KCK is included in the bi-state Kansas City Metropolitan Area, KCMO is a much larger city.

What is considered the Greater Kansas City area? ›

The Kansas City metropolitan area surrounds the city of Kansas City, Missouri. It includes 14 counties in both Missouri and Kansas. With a population of 2.2 million people, it is the second largest metropolitan area in Missouri behind Greater St. Louis.

What two rivers meet in Kansas City? ›

In fact, in June of that year, they camped for three days at the confluence of the Kansas and Missouri Rivers, in today's heavily urbanized Kansas City, Kan. Those two mega rivers are the most prominent, but there are many other scenic walkways along rivers and streams in Greater Kansas City.

Why is there a city called Kansas City in Missouri? ›

Kansas City, Mo., was incorporated in 1853, eight years before Kansas became the 34th state. The Missouri city took its name from the Kansas River — which was inspired by the Kanza People, Native Americans of the Kaw Nation — and was originally called the City of Kansas. It became Kansas City in 1889.

Is Kansas City, Kansas or Kansas City, Missouri safer? ›

Depends what you value. Missouri has cheaper taxes and more entertainment but is noiser/more run down/has a homeless prob. AVOID out east past the Paseo = high crime area. Kansas is cleaner, generally safer (except Strawberry Hill), little pricier; esp out south/near the suburbs.

How many Kansas cities are there? ›

Kansas is divided into 105 counties and contains 627 municipalities consisting of cities.

Are Kansas City and St Louis both in Missouri? ›

With over six million residents, it is the 18th-most populous state of the country. The largest urban areas are St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield, and Columbia; the capital is Jefferson City. Mo. Humans have inhabited present-day Missouri for at least 12,000 years.


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Views: 6149

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.