Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser from Dublin, Dublin, Ireland (2024)

I VOL. CXT I I I I a a a The NOTICES. SPECIFIC ARTICLES OFFERED. A Meeting League of the Monday Dualwyne iveuing, the Branch 24th, of at 6 the o'clock; Land A Bargain; pattern, and Lady's large massive tine fine gold Cross; or Necklet, separate, far.uers, labourers, and artisans requested to attend. £9 159.

A dress -459, Freeman Office. A Meeting to Francis the T. Cause, League chair- A cus g.ass bustles, 359; being slightly soiled will be forward Burgaia; richly mounted Perfume Case, with three Hall, street, to-mor Ow evening 1230, BIr Terence Cullen; speakers, Messy Alichuel sold for 20s. Apply to Murphy, 2 Aston's quay. p1926 'Guiness, Duti, White, Hutchinson, Devilu, Casey.

A BOT I ton loads of oid Manure to be given to anyHo TOWTH and Balaoyie Branch Irish National Land one who will draw it No unwediately. Merrion Apply league, thore will he Ct meeting at Huwth of this Mira Murray, Denzille lane; rere of 15 square p2061 branch on Sunday neat, the 27th in-t, at half-past three north. o'cuck, for the dis rivution of caids and other in- A la prepared to Contract for supply of portant vusiness; all members are expected to attend. Milk. dolivered any railway station in Dublin.

National Lanu L. ague; James' Branch for Address 2335. Freeman Oftice. IT St her's quay Ward; usual weekly meeting will A few secondhand Si ver Lever Watches, by Donegan, be held on Tomorrow, 27th inst, at 12 lock; impor- Dent, and other celebrated makers, for half their tant business relating to organisation and the trium- original cost. Manning, Practical Watchwaker, 17 phant return of the Land Leazue can date will be South Richmond street, Portobello.

p2442 brought betore the meeting; Delegates from the Central A guid centre secondhand Hunting Watch, made to Executive are experte to ad. tress the westing. Work- order, to be Sold Manuing, late of men and artisans attend and join the People's canse. Sexton's, Practical Watchmaker, 17 South Richmond League County Meeting to be hel.1 in the town street, Portobello. p2443 LAND Wic.

tow on Lady DAy, the 23th inst: County Great Bar ain; a large alze Couuter Glass Case for Members and other prominent speakers will attend. A sale, with slide, soven feet long, by two feet wide. tion, ATRIMONY; wishes to stem correspond Man, 32, with holding steady nice Person situs- of at uine once inches at 344 deep; Graiton to be street, had at a Dublin, great 38 bargain. the purty Apply the largest size, aged from 3u to 40. Address :138, Free- leaving the town.

p2356 Dian vfice. large pair Wading Trousers, almost new, for Sale; a young Man, boding a Protestant, with situa- com- appointmeuts; also Air air Gun, with chamber rife in and stock, shot barrels, Address and 1961, ull i fortable house, tion, desiros the acquaintance of a young Freeman Office. Lauy or Widow, with some with a view to the A large quantity of Cow Manure for Sale at Dairy, above; the strictest secrecy observed; cartos exchanged. Sweetmoant avenue, Dundrum; five minutes' walk Address No 2 Buggan p.ace, Rathuines. D2481 1 of atation.

A he young erve, desires Man. it Catholic, acquaintance RI of good Con- A order, Pleasure to be Boat, S. 14ft ld a long, bargain. with 4 Apply foot beam, Johu in White, good looking young Lady with view to above; this is genuine. Commercial Rowing Club, Ringsend.

p-044 Adure 23-2, Freeman A Rarity; Old Dublin Printed Novels, fuvuy, EMBER- of Constabulary are requested to curious, sati: ical, and historical, with anecdotes of state their Pen will be ro-written and Irish celebrities of the last century, £5. Aduress 2527, published as the Loyal Royal Irisu. Subscriptions re- Freeman Ortice. quire: pub 1s.1 saute. 02172 for Sale: a genuine bargain.

Apply to Mr ME tive Anderdice. Methodis. from Chapel, Ame ica, Lower will Abbey Preach in street, Primi- To- Smith, 30 for Old Sale a 52 inch micycle in periect order morrow, Sunday, at also ou Tuesday Evening. at 74. BICYCLE; Can be seen at 9 Palmerstou park, Upper TOTICE: I beg to inform my friends and customers Kathmines, on application to the Coachman.

p2155 that Hugh Donaald is no loner in my employ. BI a very Racing or Light Roadster, ment. William Kerr, Plumber and Gastitter, 84 Keen's Eclipse, aud 50 inch Roudster for Sale, at street. Pawn 3 Luke street, opposite Swivel Bridge, NO her MN rumerous Holines customers wishes to that rake she it has known returned to Custom House. to be Sold 2 Irish Ron steri, one secondfrom the Markets, and is removing to 3 more the other nearly new, with all anodecu imextensive promise, No 70 George's street, uyposite the 54 inch wheel.

Apply to Ar Waller, 14 new South City Market entrance. Clure street. p2458 TOTICE of Mr Solicitor, has 42 inch, in goud order; cheap. Address changed Dis ottices from 73 Dame surcot to No 2450, Freeman Otice. Upper Camden street, Dublin, where business will be DICYCLE, 45 inch: price £3, bright spokes, rubber transacted.

da adjustable pedals, Can be Seen of Removal: that she Leonard removed begs to her annou Dreis ce Belgrave road, kathmines, p-360 to her customers Mary 48 inch, to be Sulu; in good order. May and Manti Warerooms frol 50 street to 34 Upper p2016 be seen at Mr Thompson' ,37 High street. ply77 Sucky lie 52 inch, for vale; in perfect order. the n2409 Apthere is letter for you at ply 14 Grafton streak £7. in; if not.

write to Mrs Henry, Challenge, in office, Dublin, nopolican. 2357 TRICYCLE, 54-inch, Special reasonable goou offer con- reMatch; Silver Challenge fused. dition, Adures; to be 23:5 soid Freeman cheap; no Cup Chion to the field. This match came off NOtTA Tivughing on the 10th at Ballydowd, near p2 94 Clon alkin. First for Sale Fiend of Broccoli.

Apply to class; 1st prize, Mr Blackham; Rylands; 2nd, Dir Burton; ploughinan. Green; 3.0, Kava- CHEAP Cow fund Horse feeding mangolds at 1s per nigh; ploughwan, Crowley; 4th, plough- delivered quantities not less than 10 cwt. man, Crowley Secon-1 class; 1st prize, Dowing: Apply to the Steward. Thorndave, Drumconara. p2190 prouglan, M' Naliy; and, Mooney; ploughman, and Cottage Piano, in handsome Kelly.

Godley's Piate; open to all farmers, farmers Conte ch ruse Woud case; patent repeater action, full sons. or brothers. or tenant's mou; lot prize, compass; new; only 215; worth 430. At May's, Calla Hoe. M1'Nally merited the fleid, 1.0 Stephen's green.

22537 and also El given by vi Carson and Sons, Bachelor's and Collard Pianviorte, very rich toue, us walk, for pioughian following Graham's No 3 good as new, for 20. 10s; any one requiring 2 sound, hampion p2502 cheap instrument should certainly sue this. 33 Wellingheviu's Branch Catholic Union; cure by Mr tou quay. Tayior, subject, the Statesmanship of GOTTA GL Pianoforte, quite new, not even soi ed, at ckercare. Tuesday Evening 26th qu of second bund one; is a baudsome, full compast Right sharp.

p1955 pas- walnut; brilliant tone, truss legs, trichord, treble, price To Brewers, Gentleman Distillers, having and Wine and connection Spirit amongs: Mer- having all recent improvement. 7 Lower power Sherrard and street. richhotel keepers, restaurant proprietors, private ness of tune, made by Amati in 1:80, will be sol: a and fail- TREMONA Violin, of extraordinary lies, in Birmingham and Traveller, is open 23 to accept great burgain. 33 Wellington quay. p2289 agencies, Avily.

in first instance, 3125 GOS for sale; Grey Dorking, US Rouen birmingiam. wanted for the Brickwork of Ducks, 53; Aylesbury Ducks, Galue street, Heath, TO small Builders: House in Estimate city, at per perch, bricks thick, Cambridge Turkey's, from 9. per dozen, birds. pacauge included; to the the contractor mint all labour and but 20 steward, Fedamore, Gruff. u1687 abure are all prize-bred Apply materials.

Adures: Freeman Olice. before Gus froin prize Pekin Ducks, direct Tenders will be received on or noted strain of Duurtable, iwmense size; birds can Howell's Saturday, 9th April, 1891, for building the new be seen at Annadale, St I aurence ad, Ciontarf; 5s doz. To Dominican Con -ent, Newry, conditions count, Down, be according the from prize poultry; bark Braman. 35; re inced to of the Architect, Ashlin, Es, 1 College Biack Dinor. as, Wonderful layer of large eggs, plans; specification and to seen at until suturday, the moth inst, and 4s: and Pekin Ducks, 5s dozen.

Dublin, Dirs Kee, Ballithat street, at Newry. p1900 vasloo. Money to swift's after- a EQUITABLE the abore society. Address Freedue Craig, Insuua John, Benefit Building Society; for sale, tave mater formerlv of row, wards of Golden, but who diet in the Dabin Union, man Office. 1509 his chiluren are supposed have married and oni From Private Sale, splendid Hunting Lever, grated to America: Higginson, James, son of Lieutenant- 17s, cost £12; Fine Gold he.vy Coral and DiaColonel Juseph Higginson, a Mujor in Regunent i wond Snake Ring, £3 5s, cost money wauted.

Foot, 1756: Kearns, William, a Farmer, emigrated from Address 2631. Freeman Otice. Ireland, and died abroad. Lowe, Will ain, a Paper- FOR Save a large be up of Manure. apply to Mrs maker, born in boilin, 1519; enlisted.

and lied abroad; Walsh. -pencer Hotel, Seville place, u2433 M.v, born in Dublin about 1820, dicd at Ca low, Side, by a Gentleman wanting cash, a a Gulu Rooney, Patrick, and Ruse, Lis wife, Children of Lever Watch class maker; no better timethe representatives of the above are requested to apply per to be sold for haif its original cost. Address to Messr3 De Berrardy Br others, 28 street, No 3433, Freeman Office. John Bedtord row, lonton. the Next-of-Kin Gazette, FoR sale, some secondnand English Concertinas in IS.

containing lists abroad, of sent nares of parties receipt of entitied seven to postage mouey perfect order. To be seen at Messta 0' Reilly, nt home p2320 and Co's 67 Mid. le Abbey street. and on stamps. to John Belian.

sale, 15 Framed Doory, Morticing Machine. Hay 1:35 send his midress 20 Cutter, 'Turret Clock, with bell quantity of ond Cullenswood. Ranslash. Bricks, anite Stones, a Fioat; will be sold cheap. Address 2170, Freeman Once.

LOST. FRESH Fish; sulcnaid assortment; I prices exceedingly moderate town and country orders attendou to. 04 Lost, second notice: Lost Tuesday work, in Greene and Co, Fishmongers, Game Dealers, and ice Nass street, white and black Fox Terrier, had on Merciant-, 17 William street, Dublin. p2177 bather ll.r; owner will give reward. Apply 23 FRET Work and Carving Tools; for Sale a St ot the 3 chein'.

walk. above in connition, with bonk of desigus, a Pounds Reward; Lost, during journey by mail bargain. Apply John Fitzpatrick, Holycross Thurles. boat and train from Dublin to Lon ton on Monday GOUD sound Mangolds for sale, 235 per ton, de ivered night. March El.t, a diamond horseshoe Brooch.

Who- the Stores, 74 Blussington street, or 20s per will bring or the same to Messrs Bond and ton at the Farm, Little Conturris, Clop lalkin. pI938 Roskell, New Pond street, London, shall receive the HOUSE for sale, 14 SEe, with brickwork tile a.bor. reward. 3178 floor, gallery, de. Address Greenhouse, 57 GarTO in the of Rathmines, on the diner streat.

p240. evening of the With inst, 3 gold Eurring. Address LARGE Mahogany Chest of with secretary; 13 Del rave aquare. p2353 other useful articles of Furuiture. to L' Theatre, Tuesday Glass; night.

left on 3 ba finier cony will rent, oblige Gaiety by be bolt cheap Cale Apply at 31 at 24 Lowor shelbourne Sack ville road. street. a vol semling it to the Box Oftice, Cramer's, lancing Watch cost £12; for £5 five years' enstreet. an English Lever; by Stewart, Liverp.ul; Morning. between Didole Synge fasui stre.t and Carmelite Churen, Auntier ANGOLD Sale; a quantity of the vest Long Ked small stiver Hammer.

If found by poor person a Re- for Sale at per ton, delivered in the ward will he given. Ad ress 2474, Freeman city and suburbs in quantities not jes. than 10 cwt. a Case containing £5, CO- Apply to I Donagh, Blue Bell, luchicore. p2312 diary.

A operative ture-s 40 Freeman rewant, Office. or Wis for case and MUSHROOM. for Sale, will about for Three first rate Ketchup keep years from No 7 Gran egorman, on the Bra price 2s 91 per quart bottle. Ap ly to Easton Longe, inst, a fawn. colour Greyhound Dog, about 7 month- Monkstowu.

oil, with white and ring around neck. Any persoo DATENT Trichord Cottage Pianoforte, full compass, bringing same to bore will receive El reward. Italian walnut case, by Allison and Allison, Rewari; last on the 22nd inst, in scarcely used; will be soid Auction this day, at Henry street, 2 small Black and Tan Terrier Bitch, Dillon's Auction Roomy, Bachelor's walk. p2230 baring 3 of red woolien thread round her neck; PIANOFORTE serer. 1 I I I full trichord Pianofortes, by answers to time: name of Lot or Lisby.

The above reward Cadby, and principai makers, at will be given for recovery oi sane on application at 8 about half their cost. James Ri3pin's Pawubroking Scatl: King stre.t. p2486 Establishment, 9 Charlemont street, near Harcourt Terminus. pi209 FOUND. Ticket for Swle, nearly new.

by Cauby, seven octaves, tricbord, treble, on ticket. ruseon Sc Patrick's Day, red Setter Bitch; wond frame will be sold for 50 for ticket. Address owner can goi it at press Grove, Telopleogue, 2401, Freeman Office. FOUND, counts Du din. p2317 Black Spanish Eggs for Hatching, prize strain, FOUND on a the North Watch; owner Circular can road, have near it by Sherrard- giving luted PURE upon td a by dozon; setting strong, these eggs.

healthy birds Address may 2175, be c. Free- A bires4 2314, Fre Office. man Office. SPECIFIC ARTICLES WANTED. PURE packed for country orders.

Greene Medicinal Cod Liver Oil sold in any quantity and Co, Fishmongers, Game Dealers, 17 William Afty-four inch; club he preferred; must be street, Dublin. p2178 BICYCLE. thorough order. Address, -tating particulars, life and Death of Lord toward Fitzgerald, in with lowest price, 1970, Fre-man thor. two volumes, periect, Moore, with severul unargiTHE waute must be in good concii- nai notes, in writing, by an illustrious lady.

30 South BE lowest terms. Aduress 23.8. Freetnan Anno street. p2001 Office. be Sold cheap, a Swith's Bellows; 3 feet wide.

Timber wanted, fresh cut; butt, nearly new. To be seen at Green and York's, Tru lenths to feet long, of primo quality, delivered Fartory, 12 Anglesen street, city. p1974 in Unblin. Booth 63 Upper stephen street. be Id, Five Shares Post Ollice lerks' Mutual Doilin.

To Benefit Society; £35 5s fully paid up. Milk per day: must he rich and pure; weekly be Sold, Shop Sash, with plate and IMPORTANT to" Dairy Farmers: wanted Twenty Address 1925, Freeman Oflice. shop Strings. payments; tender Olice. for six or twelve months.

Address To to be seen at No 12 Mark street. p230. 2533, Freeinan be Sold, two large Tables, 8ft by 34 also Three ETAL feet or deep. Wooden State price, Pump; wanted and where 2huve, to be about seen, 90 To 9 Worm-, 2173, 12ft; freeman strongly Office. wade; suitable for taproom.

to 2114, Freeman Oflice. Dyers, to be Soid, 1 at 2 Charlemont mall, Adore STONECUTTERS and Others; Yorkshire or Scotch TO Dyer's Apparatus. Apply to M'Cormack, 10 Flag wanted, 3 feet breast. by 2 feet, old 37 or new, to Britain fit Fleet street. over grate to chimney Apply Great for Sale, a Child's Caul; will be sold street p2394 no che Sea Address 2461, Freemn Office, for three Captains good second hand Bath Chair, if with up.

shafts for Pony preferred: state price Coach and par- new pattern Coventry, in first rate order, days. ticalars. Address Callow and Sons, Factory, used; driving wheel 50 inch: lamp, boll, ds Westland row. blue, yellow; quite fresh. Address large Safe.

Particulars to Dublin United dc; 2182, painted Freeman nav. Office. WANTED ways Company, Limited, 31 Lower Sackville in perfect order, heavy sterling street. Table. p2410 silver Geneva, very exact timeist, 149; by registered TITANTED a miniature Billiard Aduress £23 1, post, l4s 6d; truly rare bargain.

James Reunie, 6 p2004 InANTED Gairanized Netting suitalle for Lake Ice; Direct Importers of this pure Wire Disfullen parade, Druncondra, Dublin. house: aiso Patent Upright Mangle, cheap. WENHAM wholesale or retail, meet special atAddress 2259. Freeman Oftice. tention.

Greene and Co, Fishmongers and Ice Merorders, Fireproof Safe, Milner proferred, chants, 17 William street, Dublin. p2179 fitted with cash drawers; must be in good orrier. paper st size and lowest price, to 14 Dotier street. WOOD Blocks; are bard, of dry, and sound; make exApply, stating Peerage Passage to United States or lent paving for they yards, cellars, or passages; for Sale; 6 Canada April next. State lowest price c- Henry street.

p1747 2355, Freeman Office. HT; for Sale, a well knowu 15 ton Cutter; ull for two ample years or sec.rity; repayable private quarterly, persons sent YA lead in ballast, fully found in Address every 2288, respect; at Freeman preinterest lying Ringsend Dock. ouly dealt with or their solicitors. 2276, Free- Office. man good secondhand Bricks; must b9 Office.

Send price per ton to 1905, Freeman THIS DAY'S BUSINESS CARDS. Ottice. A Bamboo combined, just Japanese arrived from Yokohama; and this Fishingrod wonSPECIFIC ARTICLES OFFERED. derfully ingenins rod forwarded per rail for 12 stamps. Watchmaker, 18 Crow Flynn's, Parliament street, Dublin, p2541 Bargain; Left at WY commission.

a gold London A Beautiful assortment Cut Embossed Coloured A street, for sale ou in order Scraps, Flowers, Figures, red-'ced to One made Lever Watch; cont £15; Gold will Hurting be sold Keyless going Geneva Penny per sheet, post free; Flynn, Stationery Warefor 28; also a Ladya will Cut be sold for £7. p2487 pouse, Parliament street, PRA421 Watch; cost £15; AND DAILY DUBLIN: THIS DAY'S BUSINESS CARDS. Beautiful assortment of Inkstands, trom 1s to 20s; A Travelling Spring Inkbottle, price 1s; post free, 18 Messr9 r.aton, Stationers, 49 Dame street, 95 Graftou stroet, Dublin. p2515 Chess Board, Drafts, Cribbage, A. Backgammon, Dominoes, Bang, and Race Game, value, post tree, Sixteen Stamps.

Flynn's Fancy Goods Warehouse, Parliament street. Card if your Spectacles are broken take them to A Optician, 174 Wellington quay; cheapest steel, Tortoiseshell, and Framefor less uvery Spectacles, and Eyeginsses. p2447 description Card 100 Genilemen's best plate, for Visiting 2, 6d; Cards 100 Ladies' beautiA tully printed, withont 3s; rend stamps. Messry Katon, Printers, 49. Damo uv, street, Grafton street, Dublin.

p2511 A COUNT Paging, Book A and Perforating to the Machine trado. Paper John Rul. Watters, 6 Crow strot and 21 and 22 Templ. lane, Dublin; established 1807. Desk; Elegant Mahogany Writing Desks, 64 from 24 to A.

7s Gd Benutiful Walnut Desks 20s. from Enton's, 63 49 to Dame Ladios' Work Boxas from 1s 9d to street, 95 Grafton stroet. p2510 1.L kinds of English and foreign Watches, Clocks, A and Musical Boxes Cleaned and Repaired; charges moderate. manning, late of Sexton's, Practical Watchmaker, 17 South Richmond street. Portobello.

A NitES shoes; Tyler's secure Annual tho Great bargains. Cheap Sale 105 of Tulvot Boots street, 30 Cupol streut, 16 Corn market, 6 Anglesoy Buildings, Kingstown. A MIES and Tyler's Annual Great Choap Sole 105 of and Shoes secure the burgaius Talbot a reet, 39 Capel street, 16 Corn market, 5 Anglesey Euildingy, Kingstown. MIES and Tyler's Annual Great Cheap Sale of Boots A and Shives secure the bargains. 105 Talbot sireet, 39 Capel street, 16 Cora market, 5 Anglesey Buildings, Kingstown.

MIES and Tyler's Annual Great Cheap Sale of Boots A aud Shives secure the bargains. 05 Talbot street, 3) Cavel street, 16 Cora market, 5 anglosey Buildings, Kingstown. and yier's Annual Great Cheap Sale 105 of Boots A and Shoes secure the bargains. Talbot streut, 39 Capel street, 16 Coru market, 5 Anglesey Euilding, Kingstown. and Tyier'3 Aunual Great Cheap Sale of Boots A and Sh es; secure the bargains.

105 Talbot street, 39 Capel street, Corn market, 5 Anglesey Buildings, Kingstown. A and Shoes; Tyler's secure the Annual barguins. Great Cheap 105 Sale 'Talbot of street, Boots 30 Capel 16 Corn marker, 5. Anglesey Buildings, Kingstown. A and and Shoes; Tyler's secure the Annual arguins.

Great Cheap 105 Sale talbot of Boots reet, 39 Capol street, 16 Coru market, 5 Anglesey Buildings, Kingstown. Tyler's Annual Great Cheap Sale of Bouts A MIE, and Shoes; secure tho bargains. Tulbot street, Capel sireet, 16 Corn market, 5 Anglesey Buildings, Kirgetown. A endless Rode, varieties; Reals, liberal Lines, terms to Flies, the Baits, trade; price in lists ou application. Weeks and Cu, 27 Essex 02490 Dublin.

Parnell Medal, Parnell Medal, Parnell Medal, A Parnell Medal, ruell Diedal, Medal, Parnell Medal, two pence; by post, three pence; wholesale and resuil; Purkos, 12 Fleet street, Dublin. p2496 A the Cash is First class promptly Pawn advanced Office, to $5 any Murlborough amount, DO street, call again. on deposit of valuable chattel property of every description. BEDSTEADS Dublin; 5 Bedding per cent for off the for million; cash; all chespust gods marked in plain Robert Whitestone, 10 ton quay. p2320 CA colds in twelve Specitic hours; colds, 9d, 18 coughs, 6.1 bottles.

bronchitis; by Dust cures 2 stamps extra; Dr Guy's celebrated remedy for Luntago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, 1s pats. Goodworth, Chemist, 32 Dawson street. Dublin. p2303 Rue's Compact Leather Writing Case, with La double action lock, containing stationery, ink bottle. pen, pencil, wax, price 3s 6d; post free, 4v; Messrs Eaton, 49 Damo street, 95 Grafton treet.

02514 Sale. tinest Scotch cure and all kinds of FINNON Fish on Green sud Co, Fishmongers, Ice Merchants and Game Dealers, 17 Willian street. Dublin. FISHING Rods, varieties; Reels, liberal Lines, terms Fries, to the Baits, trade; de, price in lists on application. Weekes and Co, 27 E.

sex quay, Dubhn. p2191 AGUE'S Minstrels' Now Sonz Book, just issued; the publication of the kind; seven stampa post free. Mr TJ West, Business Manager, Hague's Minatrols, Rotundo, p2435 Hatter. 2 Capel street the finest celebrated. and Felt Hats in the city prices to suit everyone.

Call aud inspect before purchasing. p2474 Healy, Dressmaker, 12 Summer hill: ladies own Miss mater als carefully made up at moderate charges. Music, Music, Dances. Songs, Pianciorte M' Piec Vocal Duets, tc, reduced to 2d catalo ues post free, one stamp. Fly n's Music Warebouse, 25 Parliament street, Dublin.

DOTATOES and Turnips: Champion Potatoes for table use, delirered at 4s per cwt; Turnips, 13 3d per cwt; by Joun Mayne, 25 Castle street, Dub in. Engines, Tools, and Machinery; in our REPAIRS on Department we attention to machinery sent in for repairs; estimates free. Booth Br thers, Stephen street, Dublin. p2466 celebrated Whiskey. Dorset street, R.

opposite Lower Dominick street. p2104 HORSES, CARRIAGES, LIVE A Bay been Horse, ploughed; 8 years price old, uzeful wall; for any Cart trial or given; Dray; has no better worker. 116 Lower Gardiner strect. A years old: Horse perfectly for Sale; souud. strong; Apply 153 to high: Daugh, eight Bloo Bell, Inchicore.

A ceived, large Prairie Hens consignment and Pi of above just delicious reBir in prime condition. John Lawlor and Son, 6 and 7 Duggan terrace, Ratinines. p2183 A splendid Foreign Birds election and Canaries Speaking of every Parrots, and description, Fancy Cages, to be Sold at Flanagan's Bird Shop, 45 Cuffo strout. 975 Coach Factory, 56 Luwer Baggot street. purchasers are invited to inspect one of the largest stock of new and second band carriagus in Ire and.

p1210 BROUGHAM by. light, as good circular as new; fronted, price cutent forty guineas; William Swan, Arnott und Co's Stables, Prince's strost. p2246 Cochin co*ck and four Hens: from prize fowl; just years old; laying, co*ck 10s, hens 5s each, or El for lot. Audress 1919, Freeman BULL for Sale Bull Bitch nine months old; colour white or would be exchanged for strong Terrier Doy. For further information address 2109, Freeman Office.

Cars; large stock of and secondhand CARS and Cary at Sanderson and Son's, the original Cab Builders from Lon ion 34 Dominick street 7 Delivered Vau, neat sold." light, nearly new, in ime conmtion, to bu To be Seen at arpenter's, 19 Brunswick xtreet. p2412 very light, for piny, equal to new, £12, at Sanderson and Son's, 34 Lowe Doininick street New Wheels of best suasoned timber always in stock. For owners Sale; Horse having and any Taxcart, together use or for them separately, to be ssen during the ens sing wook at 15 Crow street, between the hours of two and three o'clock. p2335 FOR Sale, and six very sound; also superior privatu working Car, Horses, new, Ave nud year Cab short time in use. At 103 Summerhill.

p2500 For and Sale, tan three first class hatred Dogs; Ter ior, Fox nicely Terrier, marked; black biack and tan Terrier, pencilled toes. Address. 2532, Freeman Office. FOR two Sulu; singing to Bird Larks, Dealers two and nestling others; rare Trushes, bargain; four good singing Canuries, one hen du; must be sold all in one lot; lowest price, £2 17s. Apply to Moran, 43 East Arran street.

p2358 for Sidle some pure breed buff Cochins, at 132 Harold's cr 98. p2525 Poedter Bitch to be Sold a Bargain, owner GO having no further use; trained to guu; price, £3. Address 2337, Freeman Oftice. Gig, and Outs Polo de Cart, Car; Tax all Cart, second sinall hand tize, Trap, in perfect order. At Ledwijge's Coach Factory, 32 Amiens street.

PRIZE weight; lop ears eared twe ty Rabbits; inches; parents also prize ten Russian pouuus 39 each. Apply Apnadale, St Lawrence road, Clontart, where all can be seen. p2391 SEWELL'S Saturday. of Royal Twenty Horse seven Artillery Horses. Horses p2445 SE from the Royal Horso Auction of Artillery, this supernumerary day, Horses Saturday, at half past One o' cluck.

p2440 SMALL. covered be Spring driven Van; by very band; light; price, £3 suitablo for Dunbar, 39 Capel street. 02223 STALLION; fun, for 5 Sale that 17 powerful bands, draught free Horso from white; trained to car; winner of the medal at the Royal Agricuitural Society's Show at Clonmel, August 11th, 1850. Apply to James Dunne, Kilkenny. p2122 for Sale.

at Cypress Grove, Templeogue, county Dublin, a very large, haudsome, tame Swan. p2316 mo be Soli a first crass Van Horse. Apply at Queen street. p2201 710 Farmers; to be Sold cheap, Horse, having corn on one ot; suitable for ploughing and harrowing; accustomed to barness; can be seen from 10 o'clock, at Harton, Terenure, To with "Let, or Spring without Cart a and man. Horse, Address by the Mr duy 0 or King, week, 12 Nerney's court, Upper Temple street.

p-333 sound, hard fed, powerful draught Horses for sale; also Cart and Harness; con be seen at 10 or at p.m, Apply Hi Connor; 75 Lombard street West. pi996 a a a a a a a a a Fireman's COMMERCIAL SATURDAY, MARCH 26, HORSES CARRIAGES, LIVE STOCK, WANTED a good Collie breed Retriever proferred; or must English be of Terrier good breed. Address, male; stutiug price expected, 2104, Freeman Office. WANTED and a Pony Croydon, about or such thirteen trap to bands, match; with Har- must be quiet and price low. Address 2399, Freeman Office.

WANTED a well bred Berkshire Sow whor* In to young, be time near State price, dc, and 2113, F'reeman Office. moderate; ull sizes, trial best solicited. seasoned Jes9op timber; Browne, price Steam Wheel Wor 167 (irent Brunswick street. SCHOOLS, LESSONS, de. A recent CADEMY; successes, Deburgh and Customs, Dunbar's, Messrs 18 Fleet Enuis street; and Byrne; Census, Mr Nagle; terns 153 monthly in advance; 69 day and evening.

pl ADVANCED efficiently in at Arithmetic, 43 Lower Grammar, Gardiner Gentlemen attending street can strongly recommend Tutor to others dosiring rapid thorough improvement in mathematics or Latin, French, A German Lady, Freuch, refued, English, who junior teaches Music, Geraran and Drawing, South Kensington, wishes for situstion as Governess in a gentleman's family; good references; disonxazed at Easter. Addro-9 1895, Freeman Uflice. -Native of Spain, made la Vega. Profexsor of Spanish Guitar and Singing. Address Pigott and Co, Music Warehouse, Gmitou sirect.

English Lady, Protectant, would fuel ouliged is to A any Lady who would inforw her where there an opening for a school. Address 2186, Freeman Oftice. the last Excise Examination Mr Muuro AT obtained frat place of all the candidates examined in Edinburgh. He was prepared solely by correspondouce with the Conductor of the Civil Service Evoning Class, 81 Marlborough street, Dublin. CIVIL Service Deverill's Academy, Classes, day 57 and Lower evening, Garliner Excise, street; Customs, Class 11, Constabulary, Professions; 250 receut succes us; prospectus, detailing examinations, free.

TrANCING, to instruct and wanted conduct a young Dancing Man Class three or four evenings in the week. Address 18S0, FreeDAD Otice. Parents of Boy, uged wen, wish to EDUCATE him at Public Boarding School. State lowest torms, iucluding necessary extras, to 50S7, man Office. dence; English, Tuition German, wanted, South Drawing, side: French, teacher's music, resielemeutary atin and mathematics, adranced arithmetic.

£1 per quarter; three hours weekly. Address 2142, Freeman Office. FiVE Male Pounds National thanks School; for Sacuring testimonials to excellent; Advertiser cash a sen; two days aiter appointment, aud any required references. Address 2120, Freeman Office. SE young Lady educated in England desires Englisu thoroughly; good music; Freuch; needlework good testimonials salary not 90 much object as a comfortable home.

Address 1359, freeman Otice. Husband and Wife desire two Natioual Schools; wife an excellent performer on barmonium, and conduct choir; testimonials Address present and former managers unexceptionable. 2126, Freeman Ofice. PIANOFORTE and Singing; vocausm masterly acunired execution under and cultured Siguor de Pinua's celebrated accelerating sy: to splondid opportunity now; commeucement of quarter. 35 not: street.

p12ou ICH Dowse, MA, prepares Candidates expediand tiously for University preliminaries entrauce Diteen genuine succeses and term, late ex names -Ircady polished. 9 Montague street. SHORTHAND: Br Gillard, 174 Brunswick and street, evoning; instructs gentlemen personaily morning vacancies now open for private pupils, and special Saturduy instruction at class rates; prospectus. p2145 taught through the post in a complete SHORTHAND progressive lessons, arranged by certiticated Teacher; prospectuses 2 stamps. Alethographer, 25 Upper Mountpleasant avenue, Dublin.

p1204 "TUITION by Corregeondence for Civil service and al other public examinations no payment until suc. cessful: 1,300 pupils last year. Address Ar James Jenninga, Deptford, london. plS7s taught; receive an few experienced additional Teacher Pupils is now terns preVIOLIN a moderste. For particulars address 1945, Froeman HOUSES, WANTED.

A House fancy and business, Shop wanted, good suitable for thoroughfare. chandlery State and rout, with full particulars, 2453, Freeman Oftice. Houso wanted for five or six months; nishe.i; within five minutes of raliway; state lowest terms to Freeman WAS anywhere a on small Great House or Northern Cottage Line beyond Adore 9 :215. Freeman Office. neat Shop and Parlour in a goud business thwroughfare, suitable for tobacco and chandiery please state rout per week.

Audress 2432, Freeman ofice. to purchasa Hours in rood repair, teneWANTED otherwise, for cash; low head rents. Ad. dress, with full particulars, 1953. Freeman Otice.

HOUSES, TO LET. A Bargain; Hour, in the full interest working of order, a first to be class sold; Boarding oWier obliged to leav- Dublin. Andres, 2342, Freeman Ottice. A lease 900 two years; houses let at Gratiau £26; price parade, 4.20. 13 Upper Bucking street.

p2379 Cottage to be Let or Soil, containing tive apartments, A pantry, co el cellar, and swall garden; lease for ever; 11 Huey's avenue, North Strand road. p2495 Co. tage to Let at Lower Mount street; also four A apartments, at 9 Lower Pewbroke street, 1 by the mouth. Apply at 92 Lower Mouut street. p2.

59 A House vision for Derler Sale; curried business on; of lease Spirit, eleven Grocer, Yeurs and Propired: rent 419 per annum. Apply 17 Crow street, Dublin p-334 street; Two Houses to bo Sold. convenient A to this street; low ground rent; 490 years' lease price 4:290 to a prompt purchuser. Aduress 2002, Freeman Otice. most comfortable House: six apartments; garden A front and rere; moderate reut; 2 south Circular road.

Apply Martin, Grocuville, Blackrock; key at 6. p1933 A nice Cottage, suitable for small family, three apartments, we; Varry, de; 53 Ud week; 11 Mouutjoy parade, opposito Great Charles street. Apply 6 Mar. guret place. plans A nice louse, 4 aparoncuts, Litchen range, V.try, Ec; garden front and rere, 25 Cuarler Ile avenue, North strand; 223 a year; no 6 Margaret place.

12 107 A to swall Cottaze, bill; two suited apartments, for to dressinaker Let, or convenient machi. nist: small business has been carried on. Inquire at 3 North Summer street. 12225 Stable aud Loft to Lat in Hardwicko lane, the A rore of Hardwicke a rest. Apply to Heeney, 19 Cpper Abbey street.

p2354 very compact small House will be to Let tirst week A in April; North side, near Puibshorough; reut £28 per year. Address 2035, Freeman Office. BE Let House place, in Belgrave good or ter square, rout, £40, Ratbinines; free of to tuxes, Apply at 79 Dame street. 92210 Prince Edward terrace, 15, contains BLACK rooms, return, pantries, and a large garden; in perfect order. Apply at prentises; or Hamilton, 10 Frederick street.

pill: House or Private Hotel to Let in Lower BOARDINGS street, best position; furniture quits new; can be had at a valuation, and the whole set as a going conceru or House separatoly. Address 1958, Freeman House; to be Lut, Vernon Hous Clon tari; good position for grocery and provision ness. For particulars, du, upply to Burland, 14 Harry street. p2131 to Let; Monkstown, county Dublin; seven rooms, kitcheu; good gurden; reut £29 a year. Apply at 4 Molesworth street.

p2172 DA road. to Dalkey, be Sold, standing Medan on about House, four Mount acres: Salus sub. ject to low head rent; lease for ever. Apply O'Neill Lowor Camden street. p2350 TAWSON street; Parlour bandsome to corner Shop; whole plate glass windows; also Let, or House for Sale; upper part pays rout and taxes.

Walter Flewing, Dawson street. AWSON street, No 32a; -hop to Let. Apply to Patrick Quigley, Dawson street. p2525 two well buiit Houses; protit £46; nominal bond rent; lease 900 years; Hive rooms vach; garde 6, w. John Carey, Auctioneer, Ormoni-quay.

p2424 TOR Sale. a Profit Rent of £140 yearly out of House Property in a leuding street. Particulars James Guff, Esq, Solicitor, 1 Lower Ormond quay, p1307 FURNISH AD House; to Sandycove, Kingstown; superior Private Cottage Let for year; Dining, Drawing, four Bedrooms; new iano; £6 6s monthly if taken immediately. Address 1914. Frewman Office.

RAZING to Let for the seuson. Apply to the Puckstown, Drumcondra. p2191 HOUSES, we, newly and painted garden, and at papered, College vlow, containing Clonliffe six road; reut £26, exclusive of taxes. Apply to Wm Dowling, solicitor, 92 Lower Gardiner strest. p2168 to Let, Houses to Sell, Houves wanted, Fur.

nished, nfurnished. Apply to James Lalor, louse and (osurance A gent, Auctioneer Valuator, Un. dertaker, 63 Upper George's street, Kingstown. p1862 to Let; two Main street, Bray, containing shop, kitchen, rooms, good rere, rent moderate. Address 2420, Freeman Office, INGSTOWN; Rus in Urbe terrace; 2 reception, 3 bedrooms, close range, gas, bath, pantries; good gardens, aspect and view; near tram.

Key at Nodi A A A Journal or tance Once. 8 to la CARTAGE, gears CHILDREN'S delirer old; per good ton, conis, Cartage, and sei Maid: or 2498, 2s references. potatoes, young Cartage; Canvasser: inside knit Freemen Girl the well, a manure, from Aduress uflice. of city Adrertiser and the tc, above respectable 1256, teach is boundary; country; short wishes up prepared freeinan. young to con- dis- not to 7 Man baring good good references and security.

experience oliain a situation; very ADVERTISER. Address 1875, Odice. young Woman would liko a situation as the rearing of calves; is a It C. Address a respectable first class butter maker, and Carlow, county Carlow. ONE PENNY, Brown's Hill.

a young Man from 1881. RAPERY, Grocery, and "pirits bighest re erences the country experience. A duress 2083, Freeman Office. wants situation FACANT. fire rears' an exper enced Dre wishes APARTMENTS VACANT.

APPOINTMENTS to work at Ladies' houser by the day; can be highly HOUSES, TO Second; recommended. Address H. 3 Harcourt place. LET. Lower Dominick street, PAN an and salurs Salesman wanted by frat class Land wanted experienced ELSON containing Park two avenue; to be sittingrooms, Let No 10 three in this bedrovms, avenue; A 0j-pusito PARTMITNTS loyal Furnisbed, ivert 64 Hotel; ora c.

dc erary required; liberal good salary; reference state when neces-ary. Adurews goo 2202, Free- rituation RE 38 above; long experience; Address highest 15 North- reiokitchen, rout £10, incluuing Apply p2354 on bedrooms, accommodation, strict and excallens etsen- man Office. who rences as to character straud, and ability. Dublia. all taxes.

comfortably Atued to be Lot, unfurnished, No danco. PHOTOGRAPHY; wanted a. young arenue, active rotug Man wants prewiacs daily. Girl has brook North 108 in Baggot street; 12 kitchen, dc; all A PARTMENTS to Let two large Drawingrooms and Lauder, 22 ence in Westmoroland photographic street. woubting.

situation as Porter; a be highly recommended by newly done up. Apply at premisun. p4225 swallor Room to let, unfurnished; moderate. Apply at 85 a good Ploughman for a farm and foriner employers. Address 2275, Freeman suited for wither Apply to TOWER terws Mount House, street; containing to Let nine on apartmeuts and Talbut pit27 near Lucan; must bo a kind hand with with thy horses; working good of strong soung Girl; 8 good very desirable odices or swall family; rent wanted Unice.

a and House Ageuts, 202 Great respec able young man will Gad comfortable accol driller, and thoroughly conversant herr, GO Servant; riser. and willing to work. gardon. Pruuswick Graham straut. Cu, p1954 A modation, Bedroom, with the use of reaping and mowing machines.

Apply to Ruit p2305 wazher, fair Bourke, cook, early Kilcool, county Wicklow. 92450 aud bandsome modern terns moderate, by applying to 19 York sircet. Ratumpy.e, Edenaurry. living Address Mary family; young Girl; no MI' Cottage; STOWN very moderate Kingtown, Brighton Cottage, A Sitting and two or more Let. attendance I orders MOT can becoming car! a Agents good for Messis by so- A to orgers; in all little wisuing; active, Monkstown avenue, near Salthill station; two sitting.

ally furnished; first class cooking and riciting Taylor's Excelsior Port: uits. Apply Manager, 140 willing, and obliging; be well recommended. Address rooms, five bedrooms. kitchen, scullery, larder, a on moderate terws. Apply to 83 to be Sphen's green, Dub in.

L1VI, Freeman Once. Lower alc*nt streo. and Vartry and gas; good garden; fist class drainage; £35 A two pair back Rovin, large closet, coul cellar, Men wanted to take orders for a Assistant; a gouug Man wants a situation year froe oll taxes; key Mrs Loughin, Let; more than two persons or objected illustrated ristory of the 19th Century; in respectable boure; no object; has children door; Corri; Cottage, 17 Corrg avenue, Kingstowu; to. rent 4s. Apply 71 Great Britain street.

suitable beautifully muke large salaries. Apply Wim Mar can be well recommended, Address 211, accommodation; with p2332 MORNISHED Apartments on9 or two Hensie, 6 street, Freeman Office. subie. Richardson, men experience; Monkstown Lodge, Monkstown. accomuouated with comfortable SALESWOMEN Mr Foley, 25 Mary street, Dublin respectable young Man, four MINE with to be Let, Scaleid and House, ground a in large per- with side; use board of or partial drawingroom board, and in pano respuctable if required; family, no North other Angleacy Builuings, knowledge Kingstown, of the dower requires depart- two Years' 61 I just Great disengaged; brunswick fist street.

class p2436 fect Messra order, Guinness, beautifully Mahon, situated. and Co, facing 17 the College sea. green. Apply lodgers. Address 2105, Freeman uffice.

at moRt. young Ladies Apply pox sonally. 02477 young Man just disengaged: having a terence. to ROOMS comfortably furnished from 3: weekly in a Man to Cut a thoroughly understands buth: Side fee farm grant; small head rent; bust- BAR Caariewout-mal, Portobello. and wanted himself town, useful generally; the counters; manta highest reference and security.

Aucress 2386, situation; ness thoroughfare; roomy further house; eight apply apart- TOMFORTABLE for one or more wentiemen, -trictext honesty and sobriety indispeusable. fro man NOR trade out offices. For particulars to with board or partial hoard; cheer.ul, airy Mount- 1877, Freeman office. and Spirit Dealers; a young Man, with Jamo; Nolan, Solicitor, 14 icustace street. D2405 ments: good attendance; terms very Off wanted a steady, respectable GROCERY exnerience at above, is to an NORTH moderate.

Side; to For Let, particulars Cottage; inquire tram at 11 Blackball reut joy NOS aquare, FOR 9 Russell Sitting street. and Bedroom, folding doors; Girl; ONE good £9 plain couk, and have. long Freeman recom- gasem*nt; fret street. class roference and security. Aduress (p2444 woutd be separately to single Gentleman of mendations; wages per sear.

1 denry Hardware Man street. walE of the get health- Ortice. GROCERY Spirit and a young pour FEICES 10 Let Vartry within water, one we; Address rooms airy Freeman and ful. quiet 56 habits; Richmond reference street; required; south tram bouse Rachmines. spacious p2300 To young Commercial Man to represent Travellers us; wanted must A have bud respectable some from and situation former in the employers above; highest salary no reference ujject.

Office. spacious; drawingroom dvor. 2529, COM TOMFORTABLY furnished other folding experience over Clare, Limerick, and Kerry, 2:10 Lo A 20:9, Freeman Office. doors, as Ledrocto and Sittingroow house. apart- thoroughly conversant with the articles comprised in fawily would go as FFICES to 12 Westlard row; suitable Tor a meats good attendance; terms mouerate; in the of country grocers to corapetent persons a Genera: Servant in quiet fam ly; one rear in last licitor, architect, or land agent; also extensive 15 Blessington street.

liberal salary wili be given. Apply to Dobbin, Ugilvie, be weil recommended. Audress 2347, Freebusiness promises. A idress Allen and Co. p2209 Avaruceuts, drawingroom and Co, Cork.

man piace; Office. can 101, to be Let; contains two sit- door, in respectable Lady; no other Dressinasers; wanted a few good Bodym: kers or Servant in small family comfortable tingrouras, three bedroows, servant's room, lodgers; could to had for permanency reasonable terms. also an Apprentice, outloor. Apply, between 9 Girl, never out before; washes and makes kitchen, pantry, and we; newly painted and papered. Addross urs Sinich, 1 Powd: oke terrac, Du drum.

and 12 o'ciock, to Jirs M'Evoy, 36 Upper neatly; young be recommended by lady in town. Aduress Apply at the Lodge. Parlour. as Bed any Sittingroom; street. p2475 241, Freeman Otice.

ATHMINES road; of furnished or twelve unfurnished, roomed the 4s 64 weakly: 6fteen urinutes' walk 36 from Xavier Generd avenue, To Parents aud Guardians; wanted an in Apprentice to IGHT Porter or Messenger; young Man wants portion very superior board and Post Office; twopenny train passes. p2522 Millinery and Sales in drst class house the coun- situation us above. Audress RE, No 13 Merrion: House, belonging to a gentleman's family, Drs or Pus: North siravd. try: term. 3 yeurs, 4'25 fee; indoor.

Address 1921, Free- reside to a select party. Audress Lefroy, TURNISHED or Unfurnished Lodgings; Pariours man Office. and Pales: young Lady, Re, of four (flice, Harcourer su, to be kept until called for. p2147 furaished as witting room and Bedroom; extra bed- On commission wanted, with first class in a good house to be REAL sanitary bargain: condition, substantial situate Tenemeut convenient House, Mount good room street. if Address require.i, 2:33, ens, we: Freeman South Ofice.

side, near connection among.t Bracher chemists, and Cu, grocers, 77 High s. in reet, Ire engazed; Years' references exper. ence most satisfactory. Audress 2119, for net yearly proSt £40; Bedroom; land. Apply to PH Freezuan Orice.

street; £140. rent free, lease 9 Bachelor's ever; walk. $2402 Burnished Sitting and quildron; Wincantou, Somerset. Sales; a respectable sourg Lady, price sido, well deted up, private family; no other ludgers or Boy as Porter; one who understands will be and disengaged at 1st April; tive years: RETAIL working licensed order: populous north locity small re cuss ruinuto. of attendance; 49 Grosvenor road, Ruthgar; three 92ili WA and celierwork, apply at 2 washing bottles, street, de; this duy, at experience; Office.

can We Diguly recommended. Address 1872, long lease; sell for £70v. Juhu Carey, Auctioneer, p2424 TOWER Dominick street, 51; To Leo, Epper it DEi78 and Sales; a soung Lady just disen19 charg Fre. tian Lower Ormond quay. terrace, Killiuey; to be on this Room to one or house two beautifu respectable ly paiuted people; and none pa- WV ANTED a competent also Club.

youLg MI' gaged windes for a situation as above. Aduress desirable terrace, a Piet of Ground for Building. pered; others need every apply; sanitary convenience. the Stepheu's-green 1333, Pre ran Otice. For particulara apply to Miss Martin, 7 Sydney have a contort ble 3 Maid, I Cook and Hairy, Conk and Sales respectobie roung Laity, Blackrock.

p2348 ONE or two young Men en five WANTED and Parlour, and ildren's just disengaged, having long experience in city entire House, 20 Caniden room where there are but in moderate. faunly Ad- Maids and Thorough Servants. 4 and country, with god relerences, wishes for situation or Steveuson, 28 Aune minutes waik from PO; terias very South Aune street. and Apartments street, to Let, Apply to 1. p2413 dress 2289.

Freem woe.ate rents; WANTED experienced Assistant to take charge or General Servant from the country wishes as abore. Address 2404, Freeman street. Roots to Let; central, spacious, end com- to Let in well kept houses at Apply at office. an for large town in NURSE situation as above; never at serrice before; red; terms moderate. to regular and cleanly tenants.

the South. Apply to Mr Hickey. 2S North be well recommenued by a lady in tows. Address for able; atteudance if requ 37 Great Britaiu sirent. pa393 can apply to the Let at No l1 Ricowond avenue, Fairview, MOUTH Circular ond; large front Drawingroom, T2 Graiton street.

PAWNBROKING and sales; an energetic youuz Man, aretuker, 33 Litole Denmark street. 12318 well WANTED Apprentices to the ressmaking, al0s. Freeman vfice. STABLE to p2042 furnished; would suit one or two gentleneu a respectable Boy, about 14, to mini a youre' practical experience, and: Clontari business quiring quiet, voderate. comfortable 1 jona lodgings; terrace.

geou pallo WIN Chaudiery Stop, outdoor must be well recop- will be disengaged in a few bay of: low rent. attendance: TALBOT strewt; built to be let, of it expeuse, spleudad with unfurnished 2 Parlours, mended; cuciuno reference. Address 2.W, freemen Address T5 1, care of Air Fawcett, Post ottica, days kiguest Houses, just regardless buildiug SOUTH Circular road; to Lit utice. connor p245L domestic to Mr Moiloy, No 52. with foiding doors: and use of Freetnan kitchen.

Office. qui.t 3 Maz to take charge of a a young Man, nine accommodation throughsui; also house; Ground, rere. For terms apply Yard and Suoda at 20 two in family. 2307, Drawing. l'ainter' who mes: bare a knowledge wants a rituation; would as second of years' TO be Commons Lot or street.

Sulu, a Apply large to Richardsou Bros aud To Let, root, at 44 furnished Goldwwith as bed strest, turd a larce front house of the painting trade, and be expert useless in de mixing vi cal in good reference. Address 1950, Freemsni Co. 43 Dame street. p1745 private and respoctable. p2385 own handwriting, with copies of testimonial Otice.

and distemper colours: it is to apply except be Let or Sold, the House known Dartacka, as Dublin, Richmon! with Lot as 83 road, a mcely furnished enclosed, and stating of sal ry require.i, to 2151. the treatment of Woman in valluz, baring wishes good enzag-ment to! applicant's knowledge House, opposite Kicamont be for of and Led cot gas goou Fre muzz ONce. A vertisor is willing to nay a attena on leuy or zeal man; gentle and willing. Ador spirit sold licence with the attached; Houss will adjoining let it. a teru Application to years, be to a Let permanent in Lower person a terwa street.

moderate. Parlour furnished able to a competent, trustworthy person. acquainted with cress 27 Upper Buckingham sureet, made to Jessry Johnston, Dinon, and Cu. 3 bent and tors 5s lid week, or boi- LET AN 3 merchants traders of this city, who can CALLS; young lady of experence Millinery, TO L.D Man, well Br John Todd, 2 Uister as 4s week. 101 North strand.

the and of orders for the opeu 30 an first ciass reference. Paluce street, Belfast. Dublin; or tg pI895 separately 0: Apply devote his entire tine to the sui.citing atrest, Part and Kitchen of N. 1 wission of hberal to a suitable person. Adaress 1919, Fro.

ice. Farm of 63 Irish ncres, 7 miles To Let, street, the suitable Upper ELS or warerooms or A Bran giving reference and last eul. sau who has had six Fears' ex110 be Naas Sold, road a set Dairy from Is, April to let Nurember for Freeman Osire. perienco in a surge establisumeut in Dab in, wishesi the owner, Thomas Higgins, house. Apply Dunlop, No 1 Nassau street.

ployed, M47, 1 references by last ewp.oyer. Ad.ress: grazing. Appi curion to James no Let. Unfur ishal Apartment in vicinity of Clice Clerk; must hare a know- 4 Tritouville, Sandymount; or Sheil, riva aquare, with attendance; children objected to. of the draper; Application, by letter LoWer House, Rathcoole.

piGS3 Adiros 2404, Freeman Odor. only, to Sc Co, Lira.ted. 27 Lower Suckrill. SITUATION wanted in the Grocery and Spirit busiTo be sold. Mouse, Lower I.ceson street; gen.

leinanly Lei, Drawingroom Floor, with street. young ban having 6years' experience in rent tine £70. Apply JI O' aleara, vl Lower Mount ing door, also kitchen if roqurai, at 44 South As an Apprentice to Stationery, about a re- in the city. 2iri, Freeman ONce. professional resideuce; over 20 yeurs' lease; head the ens of the wost respectable whoisale and retail houses or Richmond street; terms ate if permanent tenant.

bie, well-educated Gil, aged of Lad wish to stroet. p2180 at address. 6 must be well and recur ty required. THE trends respectable apprenon road, Leeson Park; quire same vears; 2:02. Freeman rice hun to General and Spirit business in' 710 be Soid, Houses Barron and Let, the upper part of a house respectable Louse.

Aduress, muting terms, 2378, FreeChelmaford Anc lease 939 clue to Merrion square, comprising 7 reruns, bath- General servant in a swill family, a Butler, 39 Lower Ormond quay, Dub in. p2117 kitchen, wine cellar, dc. Addres. Freeinan steady, active yodug girl, whose character Interest tho Lease Cotuuge, two ro.m, bear investigation roust be cioun and in habits; Servant; young country Girl; washes ra10 to Suld, in road Address trice. will 2374.

Freeman tnty vitice. well; early riser; and good tempered; clear ments and larz4 Ottice. garden, near E1WO Drawingrooms nicely furuinked as sitting and wuges 2'4 per anuum. Address Girl to and tidy; no objection to buiness hwuse. Address Crumiin Freeman beuroom aiso Room furnisued as bed and situng- TV ANTED strong, willias, 2.92, in the Lease of two houses, room gentlemen dining out; tern.s moderate.

IS Ery and mak. a good Freeman Ofice be Sulu the interest To one Address shop, 2508, and abou: Freeman 4 -ucres of land; to be bad place, borne, atkinines, aud 1'j, a quarter. Apply at 10 oxford To tiser Agency will or give Mercantile bonus Offices, to and anyone others: procuring adver- a cheap. travi line. For TWO or Three young Men can be accommodated with Man of and ability raspeciable in tie grocery business; PrutosTo be Sola, particulars Two apply Cottages; at 22 South Liverpool; road, Porto: mode comsiorable ate teriss.

Surnished Lougings at 5 Parkzato 5 ANTED a Shawl young and Dres experience Deianient. Apply to taut. Audress 5233, Freenian Office. balls. street; young Men, dining bave cheeriut front Charien Kerr, giving re erence and salary expec.ed, Collec.ore, respectable, intelligent two North Circular road, 400 FINO furnished out, us can bed and Leeds Cloth Hall, Ciones.

young Man desire: situation; security given; bugbest, TO guineas Soli, each; 5 Mouses, Cottages 100 guinens each two 75 South Richmond Drawiugrooia. street; Us 6d weekly each. sittingroom, Address Foung Man to take charge of a Tolba- temimomais as to sobriety, nonesty, Freeman and respectabiity 64 Middle Abbey street. 2332, Freetaun Office. conist Shop.

Apply, stating reference and salary, of cowacter. Address 1171, ot5ce. Let E5 Lower George's street. King towu. Drapes; youuz Man it of over teu years' exguineas each.

Apply Cassidy, TO Cigar compaci Diran and well Shop and Agents, Farlour, dc admir- in Palmer town place, with resp. Two ciable tamily Drawingroons im- bumble, G.rl; be well re recon- To pet.en.e Gener.I be Drapery in three when respectabie suitable ably suitable to above, in first- ass position; Backe'or's convenient mediate p. sessiou moderate tenus. Aduress 2337, ed housework: wages o'clo. 2 60 I situation of era; auver iser is salesman and stock.

WANTED houses in the Wut: will disengaged to Bonass, Agent, 9 walk Onion, weekly money. Apply 20 road, 12 references satisfactory. Address To large Cora, dry Cement. Stores and or Shed, well encloeed yani, Merchants; dis- terms very t-derate Apartments; to person water of on 1 quiet bby habits; the Millinery immediately and a Mantles: competent none other Saleswoman need apply. for keeper; Freeman Odice.

most charging berth in front; rent £10. 32 Sir John's quay. children objected to. Apply at 12 Usher's 254 TO'Niil. 5 Main stre.t, Clonwel.

pied To Drapers; a young Man, years' experience; and stands the general trade thorougaly; will be disTo Graziors, acres Land be Let in groom Ficor on low termis immediately, tor gond country village. engaged on lat April; none but respectable bonses and Meadow TED Grazing; Dublin, 60 or within 7u three miles prime of to the lands to a respectable Addres. purty in a private Freeman house, leacing and young Shoe Girt, Trade for genera! business; a Audress knowledge 2321, of treated with; references, first-class, Address 2429, of county watered fonced. Apply to Richard A Mac. street, north si 2390, Office.

cat indispensable. Freeman Office. are well and TINFURNISHED Longings, a splendia Rowin; would Freemun Office. navuarn, Solicitor, 9 North Great (ieorge's stroet. 4227 in the nicos: pari of ED Litho Colour Printer highes: give To and Houseowners; the employment wanted To Let Chevior for town, Grazing, 50 adjoining acres Irish Priestown, of in the prime lands cop- of Drumcondra.

Adures M. Freeman Let, Banva Villa. Office. to a first-class workman.

Audreas :500, Freeman Ad iress by a 1348, practic-i Freeman Housepainter by day or piece. dition; seven wiles from Dublin. Apply at 15 UNTURNED avenue. Hathmines, a nice front steady, res NO HE C. baring Grocers and Wine tiro young Man, RCA To a green.

at 108 St and back part DO other lodgers; terms moderate if thorough knowledge of the Grocery, Spirit, and Douses, is desirous of obtaining a situation as abore; v2158 vine years' experience in respectable country Lut, Alban's neat rosi, South sis Circular r. acarinio. ad key r.ex: door. could be gentleman gran to that see him. was looking at them not suited, courtry Provision crude: preferred.

cue Address, accustomed to stuting acing age, busines capabuit in the es, higher: Audress re. from Office. present and former employer. Harold's cross; reus moderate; healthy luca- I to in liarcourt street, ole references, tunl salary expected, to Ldward Holden, 2325, Freeman lity Apply 2d 40 tram. Port odice, Atay.

p2056 1710 Grocers; a respectable, intelligent Boy, just har-. inrge Unfurnished Front Room on the second floor, ing served his time at both counters, wishes a resired house, tour apartments; avenue; rent per duress I95S, Freeman Office. ANTED milk; verly well recommended; engagement: the pi, best reference and any security Let, No'S Kingsland park a compact, well- for Farmbouse, able to wash 42 Great Charles street, Mountily riser; wages, required given. 2530. Freeman Ofice nun.

Apply at APPOINTMENTS VACANT. £4 to 25. Apply Airs Bruce, Dargie road, Bray. square. Houses, Nos 1, 2.

and 5 TETANTED Three Youths who bare recoired a good the To experience at both counters; atter D22 Grocers; a respectable young Lad of three years: mercantile education, us Apprentices to serving his time; To Let, terrace, three containing neat eight large apartinents cach; PPRESTICE; good house in the grocery and spirit Drapery unde. For terra, apply to Adan Fergu. Mac- wishes fer re-engagement; highest references given. perfect; convenien: to tram. trule with has a vacancy 248:, for an Freeman 1 Office.

Approutice. Ad- donald, 64 and 65 South treat Georges street, Dublin. Audress 2132, Freeman Ofice. sanitary For further particulars apply to Daniel Byrne, Prospert, cress, two good Power Box Loom used To Grocers, Spirit and Provision Merchants; a roung Miltown, or North, 110 Grafton rest. pl 37 A a respectable Lad of 14 required to WE A to fancy vroollen work; good wages; women pre- Dan, after serving his time in a good country Two Let; Leesou £34 Pork por, avenue, irce of containing taxes, 6 the apartme.its: House 24 progressive the Bockbinning from frat and year.

manufacturing Apply tu Stationery Watters, ferred.REApply Woollen Milis, Athlone. p2448 salary beuse, desires mowerate. an Aduress engagement 2181, in city; Freeman direct Office. reference; newly pointed and papered; gus through; garden front street. realised by of either sex, without hindrance Master Printers; situation wanted 6 Crow 02307 402 Woukly and upwards way be easily and honestly and rere.

123:6 A PRENTICE: A respe table yonug Girl wauted us to occupation. For particulars, enclose a Headier List clas- testimoniale and references, persons To as Manager or Let, 17 Be avenue, North strand; rent outucor Appre: face to the illibery and Sales in plainly addressel cuvelope to Evans, Watts, and Com- Address 20.7, Freeman Office. present good sewerage; water; su.all garden, a house in town, where there is Onlice. a nice fancy trade pauy, binningham. Two Fawnbrokers, Jewellers, or Auctioneers; a Fore arid others; 1 a bargain; to Let Furnished, APPRENTICE and's mun of good character and experience will socO: doing.

:293, To from 1t May, for summer or longer; a traile in wanted the to Family count.y Grocery preferred. Aduress Fit APPCINTMENI'S PANTED. be open to a siniar engagemeut, or would accept Boase in best of Lower Leeson atroes. Address isray; from engagement as jeweler's salesman; has had experience 2373; Freemen Office. 312, Freeman otice.

Butcher's Apprentice: the friends of a respectable in Dame street or as auction cierk wan.ed. Apply, te.t: A Lad, want to place him as above in a general assistant; will be found competeut to make in: Physicians and -u. goons Medical R.sidence, A to the Manager, Ang from 11 to 0001 respectable house in Dublin. State fee expecte and ventories, valuations, security if required. Aadress tai listed over 90 years in best basiuess past of this day.

adoross Join Towson, Lougulinstowu, county Dublin. 2n3, Freeman Ottice. Dublin: surgery, Addre poor and -hoe wan a young for Girl from the country wants situation: can be well To Portmanteau Makers; a young Man competent to Briber, :8 Capels and Bachelor's walk, to Let, above departice.t. apply at She.

lourne House, A recommended her lust wistre- as very good make and repair Portmanteaus, Bags, Hat Cases reet. To spacious Solicitors front and othe.s, bark as; lerrion row. Commercial Club; wanted a man and his plain small cook aud capital Address A laundress, 53 or Talbot geveral street. servant p1836 in 8 Office.

Seeks an engagement. Address 2190, Freeman thay diman: terms newly paperet to desirable tenaut. Apply to Wife, to resido in Premis 8 and manage the Ear, Lady wisheg to find a situation as Housemaid or TO Provision a young Man wants situation are and painted, and in perfec: coil- steady Jessub Bonuss, Agent, 9 Bacholor's walk. pits and the eneral care of the Cius. Apply in Cildren's Maid for a respectable young irl from having thorough knowledge of the business: a in Cole's instance, stating by renter only, expected, enclosing with full CODE of particulars.

tasti- the country, not out before, being Address smart and intelligent; Freeman highest references will be given from last or former large, encioned, to Let, 75 by 25 fect, wonials. salary be a goly recommended. 2473, employers. Audress Freeman Office. office, lane, No 37 Great Britain street; s.rout.

per the Mon lot Graiton street. p2073 Odice. Accountant, Amanuensis; C. Henry re- annu. Apply of House, to Mount- wanted for three of our A Man of tweuty years experience wishes situation respectable aged Man, would take em.

6 per sans year off Ranclagh road; trufm from in country: taust thoroughly uvierstand bakehouse as Manager, Foreman, or Salesman in Cabinet ployment as abore, indoor; understands keeping rents, frev taxes: les; pie. terrace, dive rooma, kitchen, business. A ply, with particulars, to Williams and Nauufactory; fully acquainted with working desigas, and Bu private accounts. Address 2146. Freeman' harlemont Bridge; lurge p2002 Vood, 205 Great in street.

p2572 estating, Address 2375, Freeman Ottice. Unice. well drained 3 St Jawes's terrace, North Circular TOOK and Thorough Servant wanted 3 respectable A plain Cook and £: st-class Laundress. 0014 ront; to above; be coon; testimonials, wants situation will take holding charge of labourer; 3 understands steady Man, gardeuing; good farm best situation, cont. ining 7 apartments; gas, pan- Person as must a good piain racet willing if required; and active.

Audresa 119 is laundress. plain his wife road, at 64 Middle Abbey strect. p2581 to ucdereko: a suall washing. Lady will app.r- cury strong can milk, and a good Address care: tries, dc. Apply at Freeman Office to way, Saturday, at Lurou Gloucester street, p9035 Mr Byrne, Bray.

p2470 'clock. A respectable Person wishes to procure a situation in ANTED by a Widow, situation of trust, in APARTMENTS WANTED. 1 NAPERY Trade; for a you-g ady: good Bread Shop, can or be would well go as recommended. bookkeeper; is an convent or other religious bouse; secustomed to knowledge of the basin. s5 indispensable.

Apply callent Freeman sch.iar Office. Audres8 convent routine. Address 23 Lavinia street, A young spectablo Lady private requires family Board and rosiding in Lodgings the In country, a re- at shelvourne and House, Mantle Makers Merrion row. wanted, also 3 first p2479 class A 2:03, respectable Widow wants Weekly or Daily Employ- invalid by Lady respectable or take Widow charge of situation grown to attend or at the seaside cheerful soc.ely indispensable; Fore for Dress Departmont, lleeves, undertake any kinu; can be well recumn. would even mind offices; bighest references given.

Adreferences exchauged; state torus. Audress 2148, Free- Jades' Tailor and 105 stephen's green, menden; has in several p.aces with her nusdand dress 2200, Freeman fice. man Odice. Vest. 50.5 has discharges to that effect.

32 Ireland WANTED immediately a Woman to take charge of: Address A young Man dining cut wante would be Room with as DRESSMAKER and Mantle Cutter; wanted for sireet, Brogustone. Woman in p2371 nurse or buttie feed country' Led and ingroom permanent young drs: ability and A respectable a healthy Ircality would preferred. Address, with full particulars, 2455, Freeman moderate terms; fiteen minutes' walk from Suckville appearance; call carly this day tu the George Hotel, ture to nurse: highest reference; terms Uttice. street Address 23.54, Freeman Ufice. Cole go p2422 voderate.

Address Mrs Lyn Hiltonville Lodge, FURNISHED two Lougings beurooms, wanted one by sittingroom, Lag, per- and the day must be a wanted good a alter person and to sew thoroughly ous by A Ruthaines. active Lad would wish a situation as Light 1.2005 BUSINESS CARDS side. attonuance; Adures terms by lutter, with particulars, Mitt, Free- Audress understand Freeman dressmaking; Quice. terms security given or if Messenger; required. en be Address highly 2155, recommended; Freeman A bad article is dear at any price; the best and cheap must not exreed yearly North state and reference.

Porter Office. wanted Odice. est Boots in Dublin can be bad at Mormy's, 39 200D plain Cook and Dairymaid, in a Talbot street. Gentlemen's Boots from 7s 6d. 02259 aparments, or small House; must be respectable; business wack, as above.

steady, Address active Person 1578, who breewan understands her A young country early Girl wants situation as General Ser- A Card Casa System white shirts, our own make, PANTED, by married Couple, two children; state lowest terms. Addross 2 57, Freeman clusing of and Ofice, 1 Faut riser; can suilk and wash well: sewn, 38 id, 4s 61, 5w 6d; oxford shirts, 33 6d, no copies discharges, naming wages ex. highot recommendations. Amirces Eliza Bulger, care 4s Cd, and Li Sheeban, Shirt Makers, 11 Parliament Office. Cosgrave, Windy Arbour, Dundrum.

p1731 street. for tunediately 17s per Chuntari preferrod. GROCER'S serve Apprentice; three wanted in an re intelligent country A young conntry Girl wishes situation as Children's Card; Cash System Merino rests and pants, 2s 6d, by a Gentleman nice Badroom, 2405, Froeman Oftice. and House in years a small Maid or Thorough Servant; no objection to country; 3s, 4s night shirts, 2s tid, 3s feit bats from Address Unfurnished Lodgings, three rooms and Address rocery 2545, Spuit Freeman Odice. city fee required.

can be well recommeuded. Address Mi 1., 5 Wood laze, Is 9.i. and Sheenan, 11 Parliament street. p2252 South side lianelagh, Kathmines or wanted for a drat City. A CCIDENTS will Lappen; Dublin Horse Accident pantry 1st April.

stating in suburos bouge A young Girl Seeks re engagement is oD Assistant; Assurance Company against Personal Iujury, Li; class Rathgar attendance preferred, from invluded, to 2081, Freeman Office. the direct smart young Man for the spirit has thorough knowledge of Grocery and Spirit mited, 110 rafton street, indemnifes owners of horses terms, counter; reverence to ins ewployer only atteuded business; can keep accounts if required; highest refer- against claims for personal injaries through street acci2246, Freeman Office, for three days. ences. Address Miss Devine, Roscommon, p2523 dents. Address P3274 APARTMENTS VACANT.

GROCER'S A the sistant Grocery wanted and immediately, vusmuss young A young Nan who has served seven years in one of the ALCOHOL and the Human Brain. Spirit state oldest druggist establishment. in Dublin front Drawingroom as bed where disengaged and copy of Address a situation Assistant; excellent requires recom- p1001 A comfortably sittingroow; Furnished attendance; turms moderate. 2429, Frowan Office. mendation.

as Aduress 2342, can Freeman give an Odice. Fact equaled for Sherry's durability, Frize Kitchen Ranges cannot be 9 Earles street. pi268 I ROCER'S Assistant; wanted youug Man as ARsis- BARMAID, good experience, require. situation in fuel. To he had only at 4 Bedford efficiency, row, and Limerick.

economy of comfortably furnished Room as Sittingroum and taut to grocery and trade; one just after thoroughly under business; can FTER trying elsewhere, I bare ploSI A Bedroom; also and double or single completing his time preferred; send copy of testimonials produce the highest refereuces from inte and preseut A ('Reilly's, the old estublished to go buck to bedded Bedroom terms moderate. Address 6 Upper an Morrin, Ratbangan. 1:3 employers. Audress IS, Freeman Office, Cork. Repairing, and house for Cleaning.

Sackville street. p2256 TROCER'S wanted a Boy as Newenger, dc or Sup Assistant; respectable Foung Per- Summer in established Pressing 1840. Cientiemen's Clothes, us 135 few respectable Men can be accommodated with Apply 22 Aston's quay. BARMAID requires understands grocery and A LTARS, Tabernacles, Church 12110 A clean comfortable Lodgings; terms moderate. TOTEL; wanted a sober, active Girl as Kitchen- spuit business; highest references; no object: no made in wood; Decorative For particulars apply to 108 Midale Abbey street.

p2212 waid; must know how to cook cutlets, fry fish, objection to the country. Aduress 2175, Freeman quality, for Churches, Painting, of saperior Front Drawingroom furnished as Sittingroom, Mack Address Freeman Office. Ottice. Organ Pipes. Joseph Bligh, Chapels, Ecciesiastical FLatues, Bauners, A Drawingroom as Bedroom, double beuded, good MACHINISTS; wanted for a large provincial town young Girl; come years' experience, good al street.

attendance, 103 weekly. Address 27 Curzon street, class Cout Machinisis, uble to pre- references, teep accounts if neceasury, be found LTMAN'S, broke quay, Dil62; South Circular road. p2057 pare their own work employmeut aud cravel. trustworthy aud most agreeable. Audrees Free- A sericulturises, bakers, Dallin, deliver Salt for Front Parlour, comfortably furnished as Bed and ling expense paid.

Apply this day, between 9 and 1 mau ficu. chemists, druggists, disullers, brewers, butchers, curers, A Sittingroon, with good attendance; also, duuble- o'cl ch, to Bourke, at Mr Mi' Dowell's, 40 Henry and Correspondent; thoroughly edu- cenera, hotels, freezing; grocers, garbedded roow, 2 Lower Gardiper street. p2224 street. young Man; several experience of ever; wacre daily; manufacturers and purreyors, reBOOK 5 manures, manufacturen, large front would Drawingroom, suit two furnished three as bed gentlemen and ME cantile Clerks' North Association; city, wanted far Irish Mer- aforesaid, urerceptionable lurge merchant's testimonials to tablishment; can produce of Aluman's Flour Sait for table use. in cotton bags, exporters! 33 6d each week; tram line; South be made by 29th inst to the Secretary, written 212 Great application Bruus- to open to re-engagemeut.

Address I'S cure reputation, of Air Faw. jare, supplied and boxes; Atlantic Sex Salt. for home A or as ability; drums. dining out; Address terms Freeman per Office. wick street, who will attend promptly to all comwuni- office, Killucan, county Westmeath.

12452 baths, tenant. to the Empress of Austria, Lord a Sandymount, to Let, furnished, cations. William Kenny, Sec. Traveller; a young Man of pi.57 2185, APARTMENTS, cheerful; within tram and rail; with N' TURSE, expen enced, wanted for four young children BOOKKEEPER OF linas open to an engagement; would expe- 4 4T Fold infelli: at ble Rohu's cure tor toothache. comfort and attendance; on very woderats terma; at once; waZes £12; no fare pall, 17 Thornhill make himself u-eful for moderate salury, wholesale Drug Hall, 31 Aunen's every Address Fraeman A 08 peasant, Barnabury, London, p1409, 2430, Freeman Otice, Land agent, Beates aud Sackville street, in reference regained, Is botties, pious A A A A AF POINTMENTS WANTED MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS! OUCH a a a Arnouncements must be fully authenticated and accompanied a remittance of 23 6d for 45 words less, and 6d in for DO each case be additional 9 words, withwhich they can inserted.

BIRTHS. BARKER -March 22, of 1881, son at Bowden, Cheshire, the of Barker a BROOKs)ITH-March the 24, wife 1881, at Stone Lodge; St John's, of Edw.rd Brookswith, of a daughter. 21, 1881, at The Holles, Stafford, Mrs Congreve of a son. FINIS GAS of 31 -March Finigan 23. of a 1881, son.

at 15 Upper Cross road, the MARSHA3 March the 22, 1881, at Barton Seagrave Rectory, Kettering, lion Mra Juba Marsham of twin daughters (one stillbora). MOON AY Marca 20, 1881, at Clontarf, the wife of Mooney of a dauguter. PRESTER-March-5, .5, 1981, at 10 St Alban's road, the wife of John Charles Prenter of 3 son. 18, 1881, the wife of Ranking, of a daughter. MARRIAGES.

DOO and REED--March 24, ISS1. at Wrybridge, Hubert, son of George Doo. it FRS, Historical Engraver in Onlinary to the Queen, to Eliza, eldest daughter of the late Johu (roscourt Reed, surgeon Naior 3rd Cavalry, Mi I RODICK and JONE -Miarch 22, 1831. at Waterico, near Liverpoo, by the Rev A Squires, con-in of the bride, assisted by the tier Porter and 'T Dickson. Rodick, Captain, Royal Fusiliers, to fiertrude, second daughter of the late Junes, Esy.

DEATHS. CLARKE-March 24, 1851, at Wellington Bridge, Car. low, Dr Nicholas Clarke, formerly of New Ross, aged 45 vears. Fucer.1 and Offce will take place to-day (Saturday), 26th inst. CRAWLEY-March :5, Joba Crawley, aged 30 Fears, on whose soul sweet Jesus mercy.

Lerai will leave his father's residence, 6 terrace, Inchicore, for Glasnevin Cemetery at 10 o'clock en (suuday) ruorning. CURRAN-March 25. 1851, at his regidence, 5 Mark's alley, to the inexpressible grief of his loving wife and sorrowing Ir Denis Curran. aged 32 years, fortified by the rites of the Catholic Church. -Funeral at 10 o'cruck on to-morrow (Suuday) morning.

RIP. DUGGAN-March 25, at 25 Queen -treet, Mrs. Margaret Duggan, relict of the late Peter Duggan, of Kilcaskin, county Dublin. Funeral will leave for Giasnevin Cemetery at 10.30 o'clock on to-morrow (Sunday). DUNBOYNE-March 22, 1881.

at Knoppague Castle, county Clare, Theobald Fitz Walter Butler, 14th Lord Dunbuyne, aged 75. fa*gAN-March 23, at 11 Lower Mercer street, Mary fa*gan, the dearly beloved wife of Henry fa*gan. Interment on to-morrow (Sunday), 27th inst, at• nevin at 10 o'clock. 25, 1881, at 3 Duke street, after a jeng and painful iliness, Mary, the dearly beloved wife of William Henry Fleming, and second daughter of Nicholas Bailey, aged 21 years. Interment in Glasnevin Cemetery on to-morrow (Sunday) at 10 RIP.

FiEET-March 24, ISS1, at her residence, 7 Palmers. town pince, Annie, the beloved wife of Francis Fleet, aged 35 years. luterment on to-morrow (sunday) norzing at 10.30 o'clock. RIP. -March 25 1881, at Firmonnt Honse, Meath, Charles Guzerty, Esq.

Fuceral at 2 o'clock on to: vrrow (Sunday). JOHNSON-March 24, 18S1, at Warrenstown, county Meath. Eliza Mary, widow of John Johuson, E-4, JP. RIP. interment will take place at 11 o'clock on Monday.

28th, at Knockmark. I 23, 1581, at Seaford Lodge, Ryde, I. ncb, of the Middle Temple, Barrister at aced os. ANt: -March 27, 1581, at Strokestown, in the of his ay, Mr Charles Manus, deeply br all who knew hira. He spent a good and had the consolation of the Church in his last R.I.P.

-March 24, Mr John Mulligan, winter, aged 50 years, formerly of 16 Wexford street. Faceral will fcr Giasnevin Cemetery 00 toON Bride morrow O'NEILL--March street, (Sunday) Daniel. 24, mor: ing youngest at at 10 his son o'clock. of residence, the late 27 John New 3. Long lane, city.

Interment in Cemetery on to-morrow (sunday) worning at 10 o'cluck. RIP. RYAN-Marcb 14. 1981, of his residence, Drom, Templewore. ei after Denis a Ryan, lingering illness, aged 33 Thomas years, Ryan, deeply eldest re- creted RIP.

SEXT -March 25, at his residence, 12 South Arne stre.t, aiter brief illness, John Sextou, General Post Office, in the 42nd year of Lis age. RiP. Intendent in Glasnevin Cemetery on to-morrow in.t, at 0 030. Fren is will please accent this intimation. American papers please copy.

WALSH-March 25, 151. at 30 North William street, after a long illness, borne with Christian resignation, Oliss Catherine Walsh, late of 177 North King street, and of Rathkeale, county Limerick. will leare for Glasnevin on to (suaday) at 10.30 o'clock a m. Bay she rest in peace. and Rorke, Da ot-atreet, supply most respectable manner and on reasonuble terse, having all the Materials and Appointments at their concerus.

1504 Cards at Eatons; Only suitable Pat Zepi in stock 2: 0 varieties, English azu Francis patterns to select from. The larzust assortment to select from is at Baton's. Urged: orders printed at shortest notice. baton's Photo- Mortuary Cards, a speciality. Patterns post free on application.

and Eaton, Statierers, 49 Dare Dublin. is at Fiend's Cards Stationery Warehouse, 25 Parliament the variety in Dublin street; printed in the neatest manner to onler: large tand-painted and embo-ved memorial cards ani frames sen: post free on application. MI Flynn, tinwe: an Stationer. C.43 TALLER Funeral Requisites of every supplied. 49 an.1 benzille street.

BUS CHURCHES, INSTITUTIONS, men, beginuing Park, Sunday, luth Retreat April, for at Gentle- seven seleck mi, en ting Thursday, 14th; for card of almig. a. apply to Super.or. n1479 St -5th inst, the Cuurch. High Altar Berkeley in the street; above on Caurch Friday, will the be consecrated by the Most Rev Dr ReyNolds, ed Adelaide; ceremony at 10 o'clock.

viv2 House for Invalid Gentlemen, Sandy. wou. avenue this house also admits. on very lorate teru.s, middle aged men wishing to live a ret die. For particulars apply to Rev ior.

rifle Paul's, Mount A gus Sunday next, at 11, High ST Mess and Sermon; at 4, Vespers: Sermon Lenediction at 74; opening of Retreat for Men. 01913 dent Institution, Kingdom 4 Palace Temperance street, Dublin; Gieneral accum. and Promlaced capital nearly three millions. Prospectus and every information for execting life assurance, endow. Louts, and annuities.

15314 PROFESSIONAL NOTICES A Benefit Painless High-class operations, Dental Work, moderate Gold Stoppings charges; free. Dessr9. Davies. Surgeon, It Lover suck ville-street, Dublin. blished A Beneat; Prophy, Dr Brickell, Dentist, successor MR to late periorius eminen: Dir all sperations in Dentistry en the Amer.can and Parisian princely: terms moderate.

46 Dawron street. A lisaal (CEDING tees, to the Messrs desire Davies, of persons Surgeon unable to Dentists, see the poly rationt from 10 to 11, at hali the usual charges. p2il4 ANNOUNCEMENT: Dumials. Davies, Kantskillen, Surgeon Newey, Den1. merick, Sligo, Ballin: Castlebar.

Cassiere2, see local papers; daily attendance Dublin, 10 Lower Suckville-street. NUTKOOD DenANNOUNCEMENT 1852, visit monthly Neluzu, I. Tuperary, Athlone, bu: lin, 19 ower Sack palls aud or Galway see local papers; uaily atteu ance ANNOUNCES Mr. Brickell constructs his Prize Medal Teeth with all the latest without improve neuts. which defy competition or detection, patients caring wuch delay; hours, 10 to 5 pm.

46 Dawson rest. p2001 Prize Medal Teeth, with latest AmeriA can improvements, supplied on their by MexIs Davies, Surgeon Dentists, 1: Lover ville-s: reet, Dublin. Establisheu 1852. thou TENTATIN 10 to 5 Eskell, consultation con servants attend- aud auers from 10) to l1 at halt fees. 13 Westland row.

DE abri. AL ged from his work, to be had gratis Notice; Eskell's Treatise on the Teeth and poo: free from the author, 13 Westland row. ice; Mr Eskell constructs fitted in teeth ou hours; the lates: London improvements, a only one visit necessary for country patients. 1: West. Tow.

it necessary tu state that ho 3 has not removed from his resideuce, 011 Ciare 31:2 a Treatise by Mesars Davies, Dental Sur-cons, 10 Lower Sackville street, DuiLiz, explaining treatment which obviates the necessity of puinful teeth. Post free, sixpence. DUNLESS Dentistry; a Treatise, by rille Messr9 Davies, Penal Surgeons. Lower Sack street, Duh- din, explaining the wost peri. ct system of adjusting 1.:.....

Ite. thpainlessly. Post Free, Sixpence. peals PARTNERSHIPS, AGENCIES, dc. wanted by a hoose in the Fishing Tackle AGENTS Agent.

to reprosent the throughout Ireand liberal terms: those callioz on Hardware i. Address 2457, Freeman Office. wanted: 22 werkly aud commission; enclo-e A stamp for specimens. Belville and Co, Faraworth, Luiton. A £20 energetic to £300 healthy fentleman, tusiness wishes whor* to own unrest ricEs would be required; partner or otherwise.

201:, Freeman Office. 7 HE National "Naoure Company require Agents in towns not represented, for the sale of their cele- brated Manures; applications with references only atto. Addro4s tianover quay, Dublin. 110 Printers, Stationers, and Booksellers; advertiser to thorough partnership; practical moderate experience. capital, plenty of enerzy, and Addrexy 2060, Freeman Office.

WASTED Trade by Whulesale House in in the Tea and a Resident Agent Parsonstown, Nenazh, or Roscres, to solicit orders in. those towns and surrounding districts: to one with a good connection a liberal comuission will be given. Address 1930, Freeman.

Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser from Dublin, Dublin, Ireland (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.