Learn how to use your e-paper (2025)

Your e-paper offers many advantages when it comes to reading the news, but it’s also an unfamiliar tool for many of our readers. Here is a guide to your e-paper reading options and how to use them to efficiently use your e-paper both online and with the new e-paper apps now available in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store as the “West Central Tribune E-paper.”

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E-paper overview

The first time you open your e-paper, you should see a visual overview of some of the most frequently used navigation options. Take a moment to review these and test some of them out.

Learn how to use your e-paper (1)


If you don’t see this screen, don’t worry. When you open your e-paper, look at the black navigation bar across the top. This shows many of the tools and to start, tap or click on the “help” button shown below. This gives you the same visual overview of your e-paper discussed above.

Learn how to use your e-paper (2)

Adjust your text size

Sometimes both printed newspaper text and online text can be a bit small. This is a simple fix with your e-paper. Use the slider or the plus and minus signs in that black navigation bar at the top to adjust your text size for easy reading. You can also choose how your page fits on your screen with the options next to the text size adjustment. Don’t like it? Just tap the icon again to go back.

Learn how to use your e-paper (3)

Tap or click on an article

Another way to easily read an article, is to tap or click on the article which ‘pops out’ a new window. Along the top of this window are options to share or print it along with being able to adjust the text size. If you like this view, you can use the navigation at the bottom to see more articles. If you prefer to move back to the newspaper layout, tap or click “Close” in the upper right to remove this window.


Learn how to use your e-paper (4)

To print an article from this view, tap or click the printer icon in the top menu. This will bring up a new window for your printer options.

Learn how to use your e-paper (5)

Your e-paper also offers the ability to hear an entire article or selected text read out loud in this view. Select the icon in the top menu of the person speaking. A pop up window will offer some instructions and an additional “Play” button will appear in the top navigation. You can click play to hear the entire article, or select text within the article and then hit play to hear only your selection.

Learn how to use your e-paper (6)

Quick page navigation

There are a number of ways to flip through the pages of your e-paper. The locations of these are all indicated in the images below, but let’s start with the center of the black navigation bar at the top. This lists which page you are currently on and how many pages are in this edition of the e-paper. The arrows on each side will take you one page forward or back and the arrows with a bar take you to the first or last page of the paper. You can also tap or click the arrows that appear at the center of each side of your screen as you flip through the e-paper. A similar arrow at the bottom of your screen will let you move down the page.


Learn how to use your e-paper (7)

You can also use the section menu in the black navigation bar to quickly find and flip to what you want to read.

Learn how to use your e-paper (8)

When you select the section menu, a pop out of the available sections opens for you to select from.

Learn how to use your e-paper (9)


A fast way to jump to a different page is to select the “Pages” tab in the bottom left of your screen.

Learn how to use your e-paper (10)

This will show a graphic of each page along with the different sections you can navigate to immediately. Simply select a page and then click or tap above the individual page graphics to remove it or select the “X” in the far right to close this menu.

Learn how to use your e-paper (11)

Print or save your news for later

The e-paper allows you to clip, print, bookmark and download information that matters to you. These are also located in that black navigation bar at the top. When you select these options, you will have windows that pop up with additional instructions for their use.


Learn how to use your e-paper (12)

To print a page or pages of the e-paper, select the printer icon in that same black navigation bar above. You will then see a new window open with options on which page or pages you would like to print. If you would like to print or share one article, please review the “Tap or click on an article” section above for instructions.

Learn how to use your e-paper (13)

When you use a bookmark to easily find a page or article later, simply click on the bookmark icon again to see all of your bookmarks. When you select a page or article you have bookmarked, the e-paper will bring that page up for you to see again. You can view it in the newspaper layout, or review the “Tap or click on an article” section above for another viewing option.

Learn how to use your e-paper (14)

Search for topics or sections

We know that sometimes you want to search for a specific topic, name, business or other information. The e-paper lets you do that in both the current edition and previous editions. Here are some of the options to search.


Learn how to use your e-paper (15)

If you would like to reference a previous edition of the paper, you can select the filing cabinet icon to see the e-papers on file. Please note that we are continuing to load more editions to the archive and you will begin to see more of those in time.

Learn how to use your e-paper (16)

To search for a specific name, business or other information, select the magnifying glass icon. This will open a new window where you can enter the search term and look in current or previous editions or simply search for that item on a specific date.

Learn how to use your e-paper (17)


Your Member Services team is here to help you with your e-paper or any other questions or concerns you may have about your membership. You can also email Member Services at memberservices@wctrib.com or call 320-235-1154 for assistance. We look forward to helping you access the full value of your membership benefits.

Learn how to use your e-paper (2025)


How can we reuse papers? ›

8 ways to reuse newspapers
  1. Packing material for parcels. ...
  2. Cat litter box lining. ...
  3. Papier-mâché ...
  4. Gift-wrap. ...
  5. Compost. ...
  6. Seedling pots. ...
  7. Lining drawers and shelves. ...
  8. Shape maintainer.
Dec 27, 2019

How to create an e-paper? ›

Create your own epaper from PDF with the software from Bote™
  1. Upload PDF. After registering, you can immediately start creating exciting e-papers. ...
  2. Create reading expierience. Adding images, videos, image galleries, links and audio files is no longer a problem with the Bote™ power editor. ...
  3. Publish.

Can I reuse my own paper? ›

It can be legitimate to reuse pieces of your previous work, but you need to ensure you have explicit permission from your instructor before doing so, and you must cite yourself. You can cite yourself just like you would cite any other source.

How many times can paper be reused? ›

Paper is almost as tricky as plastic. It's made up of long fibers, so every time paper is recycled, those fibers will be shortened, making it harder to be recycled the next time. The average number of times your printer paper can be recycled is about five to seven times.

How does the e-paper work? ›

Electronic paper, also known as e-paper, electronic ink, or e-ink, is a technology that replicates the appearance of ordinary ink on paper. It works by using tiny capsules filled with clear fluid containing minuscule particles, each about the width of a human hair.

What is the difference between paper and e-paper? ›

Basically, an ePaper is an online version of a PDF. Once you upload a PDF containing articles, advertisement, photographs, products, etc. they are positioned exactly as in the print version but in a digital form.

What technology is used in e-paper? ›

Technologies include Gyricon, electrophoretics, electrowetting, interferometry, and plasmonics. Many electronic paper technologies hold static text and images indefinitely without electricity.

What is one way in which we can reuse paper? ›

One of the easiest way to reuse paper is to use the backside of a used piece of paper for a new document or picture. Encourage people in your household or workplace to put used paper in a bin for reuse. Reuse old paper for a doodling pad.

What are the 10 uses of paper? ›

Paper is a versatile material with many applications, including printing, wrapping, decoration, writing, washing, filtering paper, wallpaper, book paper, laminated worktops, toilet tissue, currency, and protection paper, and a variety of industrial and construction processes.

How can we recycle the paper? ›

Paper is recycled by taking it to the recycling plant where it is separated and then the separated paper is cleaned and washed with soap to break it down. After breaking down, it is exposed to heat and after some time it breaks down into cellulose.


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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.