Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (2024)

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Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Sprint Answer Key

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Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (1)
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (2)
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (3)
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (4)

Question 1.
3 + 1 =
Answer:- 4

Question 2.
3.5 + 1 =
Answer:- 4.5

Question 3.
3.52 + 1 =
Answer:- 4.52

Question 4.
0.3 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 0.4

Question 5.
0.37 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 0.47

Question 6.
5.37 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 5.47

Question 7.
0.03 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 0.04

Question 8.
0.83 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 0.84

Question 9.
2.83 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 2.84

Question 10.
30 + 10 =
Answer:- 40

Question 11.
32 + 10 =
Answer:- 42

Question 12.
32.5 + 10 =
Answer:- 42.5

Question 13.
32.58 + 10 =
Answer:- 42.58

Question 14.
40.789 + 1 =
Answer:- 41.789

Question 15.
4 + 1 =
Answer:- 5

Question 16.
4.6 + 1 =
Answer:- 5.6

Question 17.
4.62 + 1 =
Answer:- 5.62

Question 18.
4.628 + 1 =
Answer:- 5.628

Question 19.
4.628 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 4.728

Question 20.
4.628 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 4.638

Question 21.
4.628 + 0.001 =
Answer:- 4.629

Question 22.
27.048 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 27.148

Question 23.
5 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 5.1

Question 24.
5.7 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 5.8

Question 25.
5.73 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 5.74

Question 26.
5.736 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 5.836

Question 27.
5.736 + 1 =
Answer:- 6.736

Question 28.
5.736 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 5.746

Question 29.
5.736 + 0.001 =
Answer:- 5.737

Question 30.
6.208 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 6.218

Question 31.
3 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 3.01

Question 32.
3.5 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 3.51

Question 33.
3.58 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 3.59

Question 34.
3.584 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 3.594

Question 35.
3.584 + 0.001 =
Answer:- 3.585

Question 36.
3.584 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 3.684

Question 37.
3.584 + 1 =
Answer:- 4.584

Question 38.
6.804 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 6.814

Question 39.
8.642 + 0.001 =
Answer:- 8.643

Question 40.
7.65 + 0.001 =
Answer:- 7.651

Question 41.
3.987 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 4.087

Question 42.
4.279 + 0.001 =
Answer:- 4.280

Question 43.
13.579 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 13.589

Question 44.
15.491 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 15.501

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Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (6)
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (7)
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (8)

Question 1.
2 + 1 =
Answer:- 3

Question 2.
2.5 + 1 =
Answer:- 3.5

Question 3.
2.53 + 1 =
Answer:- 3.53

Question 4.
0.2 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 0.3

Question 5.
0.27 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 0.37

Question 6.
5.27 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 5.37

Question 7.
0.02 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 0.03

Question 8.
0.82 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 0.83

Question 9.
4.82 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 4.83

Question 10.
20 + 10 =
Answer:- 30

Question 11.
23 + 10 =
Answer:- 33

Question 12.
23.5 + 10 =
Answer:- 33.5

Question 13.
23.58 + 10 =
Answer:- 33.58

Question 14.
30.789 + 1 =
Answer:- 31.789

Question 15.
3 + 1 =
Answer:- 4

Question 16.
3.6 + 1 =
Answer:- 4.6

Question 17.
3.62 + 1 =
Answer:- 4.62

Question 18.
3.628 + 1 =
Answer:- 4.628

Question 19.
3.628 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 3.728

Question 20.
3.628 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 3.638

Question 21.
3.628 + 0.001 =
Answer:- 3.629

Question 22.
37.048 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 37.148

Question 23.
4 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 4.1

Question 24.
4.7 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 4.8

Question 25.
4.73 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 4.83

Question 26.
4.736 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 4.836

Question 27.
4.736 + 1 =
Answer:- 5.736

Question 28.
4.736 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 4.746

Question 29.
4.736 + 0.001 =
Answer:- 4.737

Question 30.
5.208 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 5.218

Question 31.
2 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 2.01

Question 32.
2.5 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 2.51

Question 33.
2.58 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 2.59

Question 34.
2.584 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 2.594

Question 35.
2.584 + 0.001 =
Answer:- 2.585

Question 36.
2.584 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 2.684

Question 37.
2.584 + 1 =
Answer:- 3.584

Question 38.
5.804 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 5.814

Question 39.
7.642 + 0.001 =
Answer:- 7.643

Question 40.
6.75 + 0.001 =
Answer:- 6.751

Question 41.
2.987 + 0.1 =
Answer:- 3.087

Question 42.
3.279 + 0.001 =
Answer:- 3.280

Question 43.
12.579 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 12.589

Question 44.
14.391 + 0.01 =
Answer:- 14.401

Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Problem Set Answer Key

Question 1.
Choose the reasonable product for each expression. Explain your reasoning in the spaces below using words, pictures, or numbers.
a. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (9)
Answer:- 10 is the answer because 2.5 x 4 = 10
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (10)

b. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (11)
Answer:- 21.98 is the answer because 3.14 x 7 = 21.98
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (12)

c. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (13)
Answer:- 48.176 is the answer because 8 x 6.022 = 48.176
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (14)

d. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (15)
Answer:- 49.32 is the answer because
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (16)

Question 2.
Pedro is building a spice rack with 4 shelves that are each 0.55 meter long. At the hardware store, Pedro finds that he can only buy the shelving in whole meter lengths. Exactly how many meters of shelving does Pedro need? Since he can only buy whole-number lengths, how many meters of shelving should he buy? Justify your thinking.
Answer:- Pedro wants 4 x 0.55m = 2.20m of shelving. But the hardware store provide the shelving meters only in whole numbers so he have to buy
the shelving in whole number and i.e., 3m because 2.20 is very nearest to the whole number of 3m. So, he can buy the shelving in 3m.

Question 3.
Marcel rides his bicycle to school and back on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He lives 3.62 kilometers away from school. Marcel’s gym teacher wants to know about how many kilometers he bikes in a week. Marcel’s math teacher wants to know exactly how many kilometers he bikes in a week. What should Marcel tell each teacher? Show your work.
Answer:- Marcel says, He bikes in a week was 14km. Actual was 14.48km but he says approximate and nearest tenth of 14.48 km. Why because Marcel rides his bicycle to school and back on Tuesdays and Thursdays for to and fro 3.62 x 4 = 14.48km.

Question 4.
The poetry club had its first bake sale, and they made $79.35. The club members are planning to have 4 more bake sales. Leslie said, “If we make the same amount at each bake sale, we’ll earn $3,967.50.” Peggy said, “No way, Leslie! We’ll earn $396.75 after five bake sales.” Use estimation to help Peggy explain why Leslie’s reasoning is inaccurate. Show your reasoning using words, numbers, or pictures.
Answer:- The poetry club had its first bake sale, and they made $79.35 we will take a nearest whole number $80.00 this is for one bake sale. If they keep
four more bake sales and gets same sale as 80.00 they will earn 80 x 5 = 400 or $79.35 x 5 = $396.75. Leslie was wrong because she had multiplied 79.35
with 50 means with 50 bake sales not with 5 bake sales.

Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Exit Ticket Answer Key

Question 1.
Use estimation to choose the correct value for each expression.
a. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (17)
Answer:- 10.2 is the answer because 5.1 x 2 = 10.2
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (18)

b. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (19)
Answer:- 35.72 is the answer because 4 x 8.93 = 35.72
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (20)

Question 2.
Estimate the answer for 7.13 × 6. Explain your reasoning using words, pictures, or numbers.
Answer:- 7.13 x 6 = 42.78 because 7.13 times of 6 when we multiply 7.13 with 6 we will get 42.78 as the answer
(7 + 0.13) x (6)
(7 x 6) + (0.13 x 6)
42 + 0.78

Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Homework Answer Key

Choose the reasonable product for each expression. Explain your thinking in the spaces below using words, pictures, or numbers.
a. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (21)
Answer:- 6.3 is the answer because 2.1 x 3 = 6.3
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (22)

b. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (23)
Answer:- 25.62 is the answer because 4.27 x 6 = 25.62
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (24)

c. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (25)
Answer:- 42.371 is the answer because 7 x 6.053 = 42.371
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (26)

d. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (27)
Answer:- 43.38 is the answer because 9 x 4.82 = 43.38
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (28)

Question 2.
Yi Ting weighs 8.3 kg. Her older brother is 4 times as heavy as Yi Ting. How much does her older brother weigh in kilograms?
Answer:- Yi Ting weighs 8.3 kg. Her older brother is 4 times as heavy as Yi Ting. That means 8.3 x 4 = 33.2
Yi Ting’s older brother weigh in kilograms is 33.2kgs.

Question 3.
Tim is painting his storage shed. He buys 4 gallons of white paint and 3 gallons of blue paint. Each gallon of white paint costs $15.72, and each gallon of blue paint is $21.87. How much will Tim spend in all on paint?
Answer:- He buys 4 gallons of white paint is $15.72 x 4 = $62.88
He buys 3 gallons of blue paint is $21.87 x 3 = $65.61
Therefore, Tim spend in all on paints is $128.49.

Question 4.
Ribbon is sold at 3 yards for $6.33. Jackie bought 24 yards of ribbon for a project. How much did she pay?
Answer:- Ribbon sold 3 yards for $6.33 i.e., each yard costs $2.11. And Jackie bought 24 yards of ribbon for a project. That means 2.11 x 24 = 50.64
Total she pays $5.64

Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 12 Answer Key (2024)


What grade does Eureka math go up to? ›

Eureka Math® is a holistic Prekindergarten through Grade 12 curriculum that carefully sequences mathematical progressions in expertly crafted modules, making math a joy to teach and learn. We provide in-depth professional development, learning materials, and a community of support.

What are the four core components of a Eureka Math TEKS lesson? ›

A typical Eureka lesson is comprised of four critical components: fluency practice, concept development (including a problem set), application problem, and student debrief (including the Exit Ticket).

What type of math is Eureka math? ›

Eureka Math® is a math program designed to advance equity in the math classroom by helping students build enduring math knowledge. What's in the Program? Numbers should add up to more than the right answer.

What is the purpose of the concept development in Eureka math? ›

The concept development is generally comprised of carefully sequenced problems centered within a specific topic to begin developing mastery via gradual increases in complexity.

What is the hardest math in 5th grade? ›

Some of the hardest math problems for fifth graders involve multiplying: multiplying using square models, multiplying fractions and whole numbers using expanded form, and multiplying fractions using number lines.

What is the hardest math grade? ›

Generally speaking, the most rigorous math courses in high school include Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB and BC, AP Statistics, and for some, Multivariable Calculus (which might be offered at your school or at a local college).

Is Eureka Math good or bad? ›

Is Eureka Math a good curriculum? The answer to this question depends on the target audience. If you're a teacher in a public school who needs to cover State Standards and your goal is merely to prepare students for State tests, then Eureka may be a good curriculum for you.

Is Eureka Math no longer free? ›

Anyone can download the entire PK–12 Eureka Math curriculum, along with a variety of instructional materials and support resources, for free. Some materials, such as our printed workbooks, Eureka Digital Suite, Affirm, Eureka Math Equip, and Eureka Math in Sync must be purchased.

Why are schools using Eureka Math? ›

Eureka Math, a Common Core-aligned curriculum published by the non-profit Great Minds Inc., equates mathematical concepts to stories, with the aim of developing conceptual understanding.

Who created Eureka Math? ›

Together, these two math resources are the most commonly used in US schools. Working with educators and experts, Great Minds PBC has also developed Eureka Math 2™, Wit & Wisdom® ELA, Geodes® books for emerging readers, and PhD Science®.

What are the goals of Eureka Math? ›

Eureka Math is designed to support students in gaining a solid understanding of concepts, a high degree of procedural skill and fluency, and the ability to apply math to solve problems in and outside the classroom. There is also an intentional coherence linking topics and thinking across grades.

Who is the father of math Eureka? ›

Here's a closer look into this sudden discovery (the “Eureka!” moment): The famous Greek mathematician, physicist, and astronomer, Archimedes was born in 287 BC in Syracuse, a Greek colony in Sicily (an island now part of Italy).

What is the highest level of math in 9th grade? ›

9th grade math usually focuses on Algebra I, but can include other advanced mathematics such as Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus or Trigonometry.

What is 8th grade advanced math? ›

Eighth graders who score proficient or advanced are considered to have mastered concepts such as number sense and operations; expressions, equations, and inequalities; functions; geometry and measurement; and data, analysis, and statistics.

What grade level is go math for? ›

Go Math! (K-6) on Ed is an easy-to-implement core curriculum with an effective instructional approach that includes robust differentiation and assessment resources that engage all levels of learners and support all levels of teachers, from novice to master.

What grade level does prodigy math go up to? ›

Prodigy Math Game features more than 1,500 mathematical skills, aligned with curriculum standards for grades 1 to 8.


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.